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毕业论文 设 计 题 目:FLASH动画设计 《正能量》歌曲MTV 设 计 题 目:FLASH动画设计《正能量》歌曲MTV 摘要 目的:为了将所学知识加以系统化并且深入地掌握Flash、Photoshop、AS等相关知识的应用,我制作了该MTV。 功能:要求使用少量的工作达到完美效果并且整个画面协调,声色俱全,易操作等。 软件:制作该动画使用的主要软件为FLASH。Flash是美国的Macromedia公司推出的优秀软件。作为一种交互式动画设计工具,用它可以将音乐、声效、动画以及栩栩如生的界面有机的结合在一起,以创作出逼真、连贯、细腻的动画效果。Flash 是一种非常强大的创作工具,设计人员和开发人员可使用它来创建各种演示文稿、应用程序和其它允许用户交互的内容。Flash 的应用既包含简单的动画、视频、复杂演示文稿和应用程序,还可以用于介于它们之间的任何内容。Flash使用的是矢量图形和流式播放技术。Flash所生成的动画(.swf)文件非常小。Flash强大的动画编辑功能使得设计者可以随心所欲地设计出高品质的动画。本文介绍了Flash动画制作中最基础的知识以及在Flash软件环境下制作FLASH动画MTV的过程和一些相关的应用方法,并通过制作FLASH动画MTV向大家展示出FLASH动画的特色。 关键词:FLASH MTV 音乐 动画 ABSTRACT Purpose: In order to systematize the knowledge, become more familiar with Flash, Photoshop, AS and other software applications and their functions, master Flash animation design, production principles, I produced the MTV. Requirements of this: Use a small amount of work to achieve perfect results; the coordination of the entire screen; debauchery and taste; easy operation. Software: The production of the animation software used in the main Flash Flash is the United States has introduced the excellent Macromedia software. It is an interactive animation design tools, it can be music, sound, animation and innovative interface together to produce high-quality dynamic effects. Flash is an authoring tool, designers and developers can use it to create presentations, applications and other content to allow user interaction. Can include a simple Flash animation, video content, complex presentations, and applications, as well as between any of the content between them. Flash using vector graphics and streaming technologies. Flash through the use of key frames and make icons generated animation (. Swf) file is very small. Flash animation powerful editing features allow designers to design a way to high-quality animation. In this paper, in Flash animation, as well as the most basic knowledge of Flash software in the environment of the production process of MTV Animation


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