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摘 要 改革开放以来,中国正逐渐地从自产国家向税收国家过渡,预算制度也随 之逐渐走向公共预算制度。在这个过程中,公民逐渐形成对公共预算的民主要 求,而这些要求会通过媒体言论反映出来。虽然关于公共预算议题的媒体言论在 近年来已经开始形成规模,但限于各种原因,仍处于比较低的水平。 本文采用文本分析法和比较研究法,点面结合,试图通过研究近代以来中 外公共预算议题媒体言论的典型作品,探寻公共预算议题媒体言论的写作规律, 揭示公共预算议题媒体言论的文本特征,以此为当代中国公共预算议题媒体言 论的发展提供有益的借鉴。 本文共分 4 章,第 1 章介绍论文的研究缘起和研究意义,第 2 章分析近代 中外媒体中关于公共预算议题的代表性言论作品,第 3 章分析当代中外媒体中 关于公共预算议题的代表性言论作品,第 4 章在前文概括性分析和典型作品分 析的基础上,提出对当代中国公共预算议题媒体言论的建议,作为结语。 关键词:媒体言论 公共预算议题 历史 现状1 Abstract With the reform and opening up since the 1970s, China is changing into a tax country from a self state step by step. In this context, the budget system of China is transforming to a public one. In this cause, citizens have progressively shown their democratic appeals for public budgeting. More often than not, their appeals are conveyed by media statements. In recent yeas, the quantity of media statements about public budgeting issues has been constantly increasing, the overall quality however remains low for various reasonsThis paper conducts text analysis and comparative study to typical articles on Chinese and foreign media since modern times, in an attempt to find out the writing rules and text features of media statements about public budgeting issues, and provide some useful suggestions for the development of media statements about public budgeting issuesThis paper consists of four chapters. The first chapter is an introductory part introducing the background and significance of the present study. Chapter 2 analyzes the typical articles on Chinese and foreign media of modern times. In chapter 3, typical articles on Chinese and foreign media in contemporary times are analyzed Based on the research in the previous chapter, chapter 4, the concluding part, puts forward some suggestions for the development of media statements about public budgeting issues As a result of time limit, this paper still has some flaws on the whole. It is hoped that these flaws can be remedied in the follow-up researches in the future Key


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