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摘 要 随着新媒体的盛行和网络技术的变革,公众一改往日被动接受信息的局面, 开始积极参与新闻传播活动,成为传媒业新的生力军。 Twitter这一典型的微博客工具在两年之内迅速受到网民的欢迎,而国内的 新浪微博、叽歪、饭否、嘀咕等网站也成为公众参与信息传播的有效平台。 微博客可以通过手机、网页和IM软件等多种方式发送,字数一般限制在140 字符以内。这样一个看似简单的工具使得人与人之间的沟通变得简单多元,对 于号称“人人都能成为记者”的公民新闻理论产生推动作用。 本研究以公民新闻和媒介融合等理论为渊源,以微博客为研究对象,通过 这一传播工具盛行后所带来的变化,分析公民新闻在其上的实践和发展。 本文首先梳理了国内外微博客的发展脉络,之后以web2.0背景下的新媒体 特性为出发点,分析了公民新闻的产生条件。结合中国微博客的现状和特色, 本文归纳了公民新闻在微博客上的表现形式。随后,研究从冲击突发事件报道、 推动公共领域建设和促进媒介融合三方面,总结了微博客中公民新闻的进步。 最后指出了公民新闻在微博客时代的固有缺陷,并展望其发展前景。 关键词:微博客;公民新闻;新媒体 1Abstract With the popularity of new media and the technical innovation, the public did not accept some information passively ,they have become important members in the media and began to play an active part in the journalism and communicationsAs a typical micro-blogging sofeware, Twitter become popular within two years.The sina-micro-blogging,jiwai,fanfou, digu and so an have been a useful platform to participate in the communicationsMicro-blogging can sent messages by mobilephone,webpage and IM software, every message can not be more than 140 charaters. This simple inrich the communications fot the people, what’s more, it promotes the citizen journalism theory which calls on that “everyone can become a journalist.” At the background of citizen journalism and media convergence theory, this paper choose micro-blogging for its study object ,and then analyse the practice and development of the citizen journalismFirst of all ,this paper introduced the history ot western and Chinese micro-blogging, then Iesanalyze the conditions why the citizen journalism comes out from the new media feature in the web2.0 era.The current situation and features of the Chinese micro-blogging, this paper sum up main form of the citizen journalism.And then ,the study summarize some development of the citizen journalism include: incident,public sphere and media convergenceIn the end, the study pointed out the disadvantages for the citizen journalism and expect its good future in the



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