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摘 要 当今传媒环境日新月异,不断涌现的新媒体如火如荼地发展。大规模的多 媒体、跨媒体传媒集团正逐渐形成,传媒格局正处于剧烈变动的状态中,我国 媒介产业的发展已经进入了规模化发展的“快车道”。以网络的崛起为代表的 传播科技的飞速发展和我国加入 WTO后所面临的传媒市场格局的国际化竞争, 从内外两个方面加速推动着我国媒介产业的发展和变化。跨媒体集团打破了旧 的行政区划对传播市场的限制,形成了更大范围内的市场竞争,推动大媒体之 间的重新整合,出现更大规模的传媒集团。在这样的背景下,如何提高媒体的 传播效果,如何为广告投放选择更合适高效的媒体,如何制定和执行科学合理 的媒介策略,如何对投放效果进行客观科学的评估和监测,都是传播者和广告 主们高度重视的问题,同时这也是一个具有现实意义的重要战略问题。 基于对上述问题的认识,本研究从定量的角度,以理论和实证相结合的方 式,运用文献研究法和数据分析法针对目前网络广告投放活动的现状和策略进 行多层面地描述分析。不仅论述了网络媒介传播的环境,分析了新媒体环境的 现状和趋势以及网络媒介的类型,同时也对整合传播与整合营销进行了简要的 引述,目的是突出当今网络传播的新环境和新变化。对网络媒介的受众特征及 其影响进行了分析和探讨,简要说明了网络媒介传播效果的测量和评估原则, 并对网络媒介传播策略制定中的影响因素和制定方法进行了定向分析。? 谨希望本文的研究能够为广告主和传播者制定网络媒介策略提供一些思路 与方法。 关键词:传媒环境 网络媒介 媒介策略 ?ABSTRACT Today’s rapidly changing media environment, new media and emerging development is swing all over the world. Cross media group is gradually formed and the media situation is in a state of dramatic change, the development of China’s media industry has entered a large-scale development of the fast track. The rise of network communication technology, represented by the rapid development and China’s accession to WTO faces after the international competition of market structure, from both internal and external context to accelerate the media industry to promote the development of our country. Media group to break the old administrative divisions of the spread of market restrictions, so it will form a wider range of market competition, the formation of the re-integration between the major media, there are more large-scale media group. In this context, how to improve the media’s dissemination of results, how to choose a more appropriate advertising effective delivery of media, how to develop and implement a scientific and rational media strategy, how to put in effect on an objective scientific assessment and monitoring, are communicators and advertisers have attached great importance to the issue, this is a real sense of the important strategic issues Based on the understanding of these issues, this study fr


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