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摘 要 引见官员制度是古代官员考核升迁的制度之一,是皇帝选拔治国人才的重 要手段,在清代雍正朝时期发展的尤为兴盛,在选人用人方面发挥了重要的作 用,引起了史学家们的关注。本文在大量的官员履历档案和其他史料研究的基 础上,从雍正朝引见官员制度的实施情况、兴盛的体现、兴盛的原因以及作用 影响等方面具体论述,比较系统的阐述了引见官员制度在雍正朝兴盛的原因、 作用和影响。 第一章绪论主要介绍了本文的选题背景、研究现状、研究方法、创新之处 以及局限性。 第二章从清代引见制度产生的历史背景入手,概述这一制度的历史演变过 程,并运用史料详细阐述了引见官员制度的具体实施情况,同时举例说明了引 见官员制度过程中产生的几种履历档案,对其形式和内容分别进行了介绍。 第三章主要阐述了引见官员制度在雍正朝兴盛的体现。从引见官员数量的 增多、程序的改进、形式的改进以及引见履历档案的妥善保存等方面分析了引 见制度改革和完善的各种表现。 第四章主要分析了官员引见制度在雍正朝兴盛的原因。着重从雍正帝个人 的政治理念、政治作风、政治才能、政治性格以及用人原则等方面进行分析, 并从社会政治的角度进行了探究,对兴盛原因进行了详细的阐述。 本文对雍正朝引见官员制度的兴盛及其原因的分析,是以现有的档案史料 为基础,以历史资料为依据,采用例证研究的方法,阐述了雍正朝引见官员制 度的基本情况,分析了这一制度兴盛的原因,为辨明雍正朝引见官员制度的历 史地位及作用,了解雍正朝的官员任免制度提供了较为有力的证明。关键词:雍正朝;引见官员制度;兴盛 1Abstract The official introduction system is one of the ancient systems in official promotion and examination, which is an important means for the emperor to select the talented people, particularly towards prosperity in the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng period. It has played an important role in the selection and appointment, in their rise to the concern of historians. In this paper, I introduce the implementation of the introduction system, thriving causes, effects and impact, which is based on researching on a large number of archives and historical dataIn introduction Chapter, I introduce the topics of this article, the background, present status, research methods, innovations and limitations The second chapter, I expound the historical background and evolution of the official introduction system of the Qing Dynasty, and use historical data to elaborate the specific implementation of the official introduction system, while illustrating several biographical archives in the course of introduction system, and its form and content are introducedThe third chapter, I expound the embodiment of the official introduction system of Yongzheng court. I analyze the various manifestations of the reform and improve of the official introduction system from the increase in the number of officials from the introductions,


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