
奥运营销中的品牌传播策略研究 ——北京奥运会赞助商与非赞助商的品牌传播 策略比较研究.pdf

奥运营销中的品牌传播策略研究 ——北京奥运会赞助商与非赞助商的品牌传播 策略比较研究.pdf

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摘 要 令人难忘的北京奥运会一方面给各国运动员提供了体育竞技的舞台,一方面 也给全世界的企业提供了商业竞争的舞台。作为奥运会历史上获得商业赞助昀多 的一届奥运会,北京奥运会上赞助商和非赞助商的角力和竞争从一开始便成为了 业界和学界津津乐道的话题。 翻开奥运营销的历史,我们会发现,包括通用电器、可口可乐、阿迪达斯、 三星、柯达、麦当劳等在内一大批世界顶级品牌赫然在列,其中多数是国际奥委 会长期的合作伙伴。这容易给人一种错觉,似乎赞助奥运会是成为世界顶级品牌 的捷径。 在北京奥运会总共 63家奥运会赞助商中有多达 41家的中国企业。这些企业 绝大多数是首次参与奥运营销。他们一方面急切的盼望借助奥运会的平台打开国 际市场,提升品牌价值,一方面他们又缺乏在国际化的营销活动中进行品牌传播 的经验。除此以外,众多未能获得奥运会赞助商资格的企业则选择了另辟蹊径, 以自己的方式参与到奥运营销中来。在此过程中,有许多经验和教训值得我们去 总结和梳理。 本文主要采用对比分析的方法,将着眼点主要放在国内企业身上,从传播学 的角度梳理了上述两类企业在北京奥运会筹办和举办过程中制定和实施品牌传 播策略的得失,为今后我国企业借助国际大型赛事进行品牌传播提供了可供参考 的意见和建议。 关键词:奥运营销;品牌;传播策略 4 Abstract Beijing Olympic Games is not only a sports arena for the athletes from various countries, but also a stage of commercial competition for the enterprises all over the world. As a tournament which received the most commercial sponsorship in the history of Olympic Games, the competition between the sponsored enterprises and non-sponsored enterprises becomes a hot topic from the outset When we read about the history of Olympic Marketing, we will easily find out that a lot of worlds’ top brands, such as General Electric, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Samsung, Kodak, McDonalds, etc. are all included in the sponsors’ name list, most of which even have a long-term partnership with the International Olympic CommitteeThis will easily give us a misconception that sponsoring Olympic Games is definitely a “shortcut” for an enterprise to rank in the worlds top brands Beijing Olympic Games has 63 sponsors, 41 of which are local enterprises. It is the first time for most of them to participate in the Olympic marketing. On the one hand, they are looking forward eagerly for this platform to develop international markets and promote brand value; On the other hand, they are lack of experience in brand communication in terms of International marketing activities. Besides, for those enterprises which can’t be the Olympic sponsors, they choose their own ways to participate in the Olympic marketing. During this process, there


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