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摘 要 社会发展的第三次浪潮,诞生了计算机网络通信技术,将人类带入视听结 合的多媒体时代,也将中国出版业带入数字转型的洪流中。在这场变革中,北 京数字出版业,始终处在产业发展前列,产值不断增长,出现了一批具有良好 社会效益和经济效益的数字出版企业,探索出了一些行之有效的商业模式。在 北京市新闻出版业的“十一五”规划中,数字出版产业更被列为北京出版产业 发展的重点和全市新的经济增长点。 虽说北京市数字出版业总体上处于良好的发展态势,但是和欧美国家相比, 北京市数字出版业仍然存在诸多问题:数字出版转型意识不强,担忧数字出版 会对纸质出版产生冲击;盈利模式单一,基于服务产生的盈利很少;产业链断 裂严重,内容提供商和技术提供商在利益分成上无法达成共识;侵权现象频繁, 盗版产品充斥市场;技术标准尚未统一,格式壁垒造成信息孤岛。诸多不足, 使得北京数字出版在襁褓中就成了个营养不良的“婴儿”,很多出版人陷入了“知 道应该走数字出版道路,却不知如何走”的尴尬。 本文以北京市数字出版业为研究对象,结合出版学、传播学、产业经济学 等理论,通过实地调查、个案分析等手段,配以定量及定性的研究方法,力图 梳理出北京市数字出版的现状和存在的问题,结合西方发达国家数字出版经验, 提出切实可行的解决对策。关键词:数字出版;转型;产业链 2Abstract With the emergence of the third wave in social development and the birth of Internet communication technology, human beings have been brought into a multi-media era and Chinese publishing industry has also been brought into the torrent of digital transition. During this transition, the digital publishing industry in Beijing has always been at the forefront of industrial development, which owns a continuous rise on production value, a number of digital publishing enterprises with good social and economic benefits, as well as certain well-established business models. In The Eleventh Five-Year Plan Guidelines for the development of publishing industry in Beijing, digital publishing industry has furthermore been listed as the key industry and the city’s new growth engine While the whole industry being in an acclaiming development situation, compared with the Europe and America, digital publishing industry in Beijing is still facing some difficulties: transition awareness is week, existing a worrying blow on paper publication industry; profit model is single, with less profits based on service providing; industry chain is rupturing, having no agreement on profit sharing; piracy is thriving; technical standards are not unified, forming information isolation. Such problems make Beijing’s digital publishing industry an malnutrition infant, and lots of publishers thrown into the embarrassment


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