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摘 要 在改革开放 30 年的大背景下,滁州城市发展面临巨大的机遇,如何利用区 位优势,走出一条适合滁州城市发展的道路,实现快速可持续发展是本文研究的 内容。 文章共分为五个部分:第一章绪论介绍了文章选题的背景、拟解决的问题、 应用的理论方法和结论;第二章对滁州城市发展的现状、困难和趋势进行描述; 第三章分析滁州城市的功能定位;第四章提出促进滁州城市发展的两大对策;第 五章对当前城市发展中比较棘手的问题提出几个合理化建议。 通过分析论证,得出以下结论: 1. 滁州城市发展需打破行政壁垒,创新经济管理模式,融入南京大都市圈。 2. 滁州城市发展需贯彻“经营城市”的理念,搞好大滁城建设。 关键词:滁州;都市圈;经营城市 . Abstract Under the background of 30 years of reform and opening up, urban development of Chuzhou is facing great opportunity. How to take advantage of Chuzhou’s area location, to create a way that is suitable for Chuzhou, to realize quick and sustainable development is the content of this article. The article is composed of five parts: the first chapter tells us the background of the subject, the problems, theories, methods and solutions. The second chapter describes current situation, problems and trends of urban development of Chuzhou. The third chapter analysis the city functions of Chuzhou. The forth chapter makes two ways for promoting urban development of Chuzhou. The fifth chapter gives several reasonable suggestions that will help to solve difficult problems. Through analysis and demonstration, conclusions are: 1. Urban development of Chuzhou should break the administrative barriers, create new economic administrative mode and become one part of Nanjin Metropolitan Area. 2. Chuzhou should hold the philosophy of “City Management”, do the best in urban construction of The Big Chuzhou. Key words :Chuzhou;Metropolitan Area;City Management 滁州城市发展研究 目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 选题的目的及拟解决的问题 2 1.3 研究理论框架、方法和思路 3 1.4 基本结论 3 第 2 章 滁州城市发展的现状、存在的问题及未来发展的趋势 5


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