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中文摘要 2005 年,在这个被称为“ 中国博客产业发展年” 的年份之后,随着国内博客 托管网站的大量涌现,如博客中国等,以及网易、搜狐、和讯、新浪等一些列 商业门户网站涉足博客服务领域的热潮,博客传播从最初的“技术狂热者”等小 众群体走向了普通大众。 在这股大众化“开博” 的潮流中,涌现了这样一个特殊的群体——知名媒体 人,他们不仅在网络上纷纷“开博” ,将他们在大众媒体上的影响力“移植”到了 博客上,同时,他们还将自己的博客作为一种表达思想、解读观点的途径,由 此形成了一种现象——诸多有名气的媒体人博客访问量开始激增,并开始拥有 大量的拥护者。从这一现象可以看出,知名媒体人“博主”和访客们一道,以其 博客为阵地,已经开始形成了一个特殊的传播现象。 作为知名媒体人,他们本身就是大众传播媒介的工作者,他们掌控大量的 信息和众多人脉,他们的博客也就存在着一种天然的权威性,人们倾向于相信 和认可他们,这些人的博客也就相对容易获得人们的关注。 大量的访客们通过登陆媒体人的博客来阅读博主发表的文章,进而接触到 博主所描绘的大众媒介。在对传统媒体的接触之外,他们的博客也成为人们接 触媒介、获取信息的一个重要渠道。 可以说,知名媒体人博客具备了“人际传播”和“大众传播” 的双重特性,通 过本文的研究,试图发现知名媒体人博客这种新兴网络传播平台在传播学视野 下的基本特点,并研究其对大众媒体的“解读”和“疏导”功能,因此有着重要的 理论意义和现实意义。 Abstract The year of 2005 is called the ‘Booming Year of the Blog Industry’. Since then, a series of blogging service websites occurred, including Blog China, Netease Blog, Sohu Blog, Hexun Blog, Sina Blog, etc. By this chance, blog communication was not only the privilege of the minor elites, but also began to involve in the public people’s life. Among this blogging trend, there was a special group of people which we call them famous media people. They launched their blogs in succession, transferring their influence from the traditional media to their blogs. In the mean time, they tended to express their thoughts and opinions through their blogs. So a phenomenon occurred with this trend. Many famous media people’s blogs began to get hundreds and thousands of visit capacity and get a lot of fans. From this phenomenon, we can tell that a new special communication model has shaped. As famous media people, they are the professionals of the traditional mass media. They surely have got a great amount of information and social relationships. As of that, their blogs naturally gained the authority. Public people tended to trust them. As


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