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摘 要 档案学专业高等教育是我国档案学事业的重要组成部分,为我国档案事业 培养了大批高层次的专业人才。随着社会的发展,对档案学人才的需求发生了 变化。为了适应这种变化,档案学高等教育发展问题成为了学者及档案工作者 讨论的焦点。 本文作者首先回顾了我国档案学高等教育半个多世纪的发展道路及取得的 成就。而后选取中国人民大学信息资源管理学院作为典型案例分析的对象,介 绍了该学院的基本情况及本文数据来源和研究背景。之后,统计和分析 2004 年-2008 年五年来中国人民大学档案学专业毕业生的就业去向情况。作者设计 了 8 个图和 5 个表,分别从毕业生数量、就业率与签约率、就业单位类型、就 业地区及职业类型五个方面进行分析,并总结出了近年来档案学专业毕业生就 业的趋势和问题。最后,作者以加强档案学专业学生就业为目的,从以下六个 方面提出了一些档案学高等教育改革发展的建议: 1、明确专业定位及人才培养目标,整合资源,开拓就业市场 2、优化课程体系及教学方法,提高就业素质 3、优化师资队伍,提高就业能力 4、重视专业实践,适应就业需求 5、加强职业指导,完善就业体系 6、加强档案专业宣传,提高社会意识,改善就业环境 本文采取了科学的研究方法,从就业的视角分析了我国档案学高等教育的 实际问题。以社会需求为导向,以促进档案学毕业生就业为目的,分析了现状 和问题,总结出了该专业毕业生就业的新趋势。并且结合了具体情况探讨了适 应新趋势的发展策略,并提出了可行的改革方法措施。本文旨在通过笔者的研 究分析,从适应社会需求促进毕业生就业的角度提出我国高等教育发展改革的 对策。 关键词:档案学;高等教育;毕业生去向 2 Abstract The higher education of archives science is an important part of archival undertaking in China, which cultivates a large number of high-level professionalsWith the development of society, the demand on archives graduates has changed. In order to adapt to this change, the development of the higher education in archives science has become the focus of scholars and archivists’ discussionsFirstly, more than half a century’s development and achievement of the higher education in China’s archives science is reviewed. The School of Information Resource Management at Renmin University of China RUC is selected as the typical study case. The basic situation of the school, data sources of this paper and research background is introduced. After that the employment situation of the archives graduates from RUC in the past five years from 2004 to 2008 is analyzedEight figures and five tables are designed to analyze the number of graduates, the employment and the signing rate, types of employment units, working areas, types of vocation, and trends and problems of the employment situation in archives science in recent years are summarizedFinally, for the purpose of enhancing employment, proposals for the reform and development of the higher education in archi


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