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摘 要 票房是电影经济的核心指标,电影的票房表现可以决定影片在其后二级市 场上的命运。由于电影产业的高风险,好莱坞在百年的电影工业化运作中一直 在试图找到促使电影取得票房成功的黄金定律。而美国电影产业中运行的档期 做法,则为电影票房不断保持上升势头发挥了巨大的作用。从 20 世纪 70 年代 至今,美国的档期运作模式已经相当成熟,档期已经成为电影公司降低电影市 场风险、扩大投资回报的一种经营手段。 中国在经历了 20 世纪 90 年代的电影萧条之后,?始了电影产业的深刻变 革。随着“进口分账大片”的引入, “贺岁片”的概念也随之从香港传入中国内 地,并成为促成中国贺岁片和贺岁档形成的直接原因。同时,中国贺岁档在形 成与发展过程中也全面借鉴了美国档期运作的经验。贺岁档由此成为中国电影 市场化运作的起点,也是目前发展最为完备的一个电影档期,对中国其它电影 档期的运作起到了积极的示范作用。 本文以美国电影的档期运作为研究起点,全面梳理了贺岁档在中国的发展 路径,探讨中国贺岁档的特征与成因,分析其现状,并在与美国档期运作模式 的对比中探讨如何解决目前中国电影档期运作中所存在问题。 关键词:电影产业 档期 电影营销 贺岁档Abstract Box office, the core economic indicator of the film industry, will decide a film’s fate in the secondary market. During the industrialization of the cinema industry over the past century, Hollywood has been trying to find the golden rule to the success in box office, due to the high risk of the industryFilm companies in Hollywood have been trying to make good arrangement of the schedule for releasing motion pictures in theaters, which has played an important role in box office. From 1970s to now, the operation of film release scheduling in the United States has been quite mature, and it has become an effective way for film companies to reduce risk and to expand return on their investmentAfter the depression in the early 1990s, profound changes have taken place in the film industry in China. With the import of Hollywood blockbusters and other foreign movies, the concept of “New Year film” was introduced into Mainland China from Hong Kong, and it became the immediate cause for the formation of Chinese New Year film. Meanwhile, during the development of New Year blockbusters, Chinese film industry has borrowed a great deal from Hollywood. New Year film, together with its release scheduling, has become the starting point of the market-oriented operation of Chinese film industry, and it is also the most mature film release scheduling in China. The release scheduling of New Year film has become a role model for the operation of other


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