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论文摘要 随着经济结构的调整,第三产业服务业占国民经济的比重越来越大,现代 服务业也逐渐成为经济发展的重点。现代服务业是一种现代化、信息化意义上 的服务业,具有高人力资本含量、高技术含量、高附加值“三高”特征。呼叫 中心是基于CTI(计算机电话集成)技术的一种服务方式,是现代服务业的一种重 要服务形式。 高绩效工作系统研究得出高绩效工作系统与组织的绩效确实存在着相关 性,但关于高绩效工作系统能否也能给呼叫中心组织带来高绩效没有更精确的 研究。本人首先对高绩效工作系统的前人研究结果做了个较系统的阐述,从高 绩效工作系统的定义与它的三个维度,以及它的一些实证研究结论得出高绩效 工作系统确实能给某些行业带来高绩效。同时对现代服务业的概念也做了理论 总结。本研究的主要内容是基于对近 100 家呼叫中心的人力资源管理实践的调 研,对呼叫中心的人力资源管理现状进行一个系统的分析,同时尝试研究高绩 效工作系统对呼叫中心组织绩效的影响,研究结果表明不同的人力资源实践所 产生的组织绩效之间存在着显著差异。最后从高绩效工作系统的角度在调查研 究的基础上对呼叫中心的人力资源管理提出了一些改进建议和措施。 关键词:高绩效工作系统;现代服务业;呼叫中心 1 Abstract Modern service sector became to the highlight of the economic as well as the third industry because of the change of economic structure. Modern service is service with high tech and knowledge, it means with high added value as well. And the modem service sector is an inevitable requirement for the readjustment of the economic structure and the upgrading of the industrial structure. Call center sector is getting increasingly important in the economic growth as a typical example of modern service sector. Call center is a typical modern service sector based on CTI technology. Research of high performance work system (HPWS) shows us that high performance work system is related to the performance outcome in general organizations. But few researches show us if high performance work system works in Call Center Sector. Based on that, we have gathered 100 call center samples in China and analyzed if there is a positive correlation in performance outcome and HPWS. Besides, I have described the human resources managing practice and the organizational performance in Call Center systematic


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