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中文摘要 高校“形势与政策”课自1987年开设以来,高校在实践过程中取得了一定 成效,积累了不少的经验。但实践过程中也发现了诸多问题,对“形势与政策” 课的效果产生了不小的影响,具体表现为课程管理混乱、教学资料相对滞后、 教学随意性大、教学方法较单一、教学手段落后、教学过程不规范,师资队伍 不稳定、学生的学习兴趣不浓等问题。作者认为,其主要原因是由于“形势与 政策”课在管理体制机制上、教学内容上、教学方式上和师资队伍建设上存在 的问题。因此,加强对“形势与政策”课实践与创新的研究就有着很强的现实 意义。 本文介绍了高校“形势与政策”课的历史沿革、教学目标和课程特点,对 当前“形势与政策”课实践中所取得的成效进行了总结,详细指出了当前“形 势与政策”课管理体制机制、教学内容、教学方式和师资队伍建设四个方面上 所存在的问题,并对问题产生的原因从高校领导、教师和学生三个方面进行了 深入的分析。 文章针对“形势与政策”课在实践过程中所存在问题的现实,结合高校在 “形势与政策”课的创新,认为建立合理的“形势与政策”课管理运行机制, 创新“形势与政策”课的教学内容和教学方式,建立一支相对稳定、高质的师 资队伍才能使“形势与政策”课切实地引导和帮助学生认清形势,正确理解政 策,学会正确看待、分析和判断当前形势的方法,正确把握未来。 关键词: “形势与政策”课;实践;探索 3 Abstract Since the opening of the Situation and Policies’Course in Universities in 1987, it has been achieved some degree of success during the progress of the practice, and accumulated lots of experiences. However, lots of issues have been found during the progress and have affected the results of the Situation and Policies’Course, those issues were manifested mainly in the disorder of Course management, the relative lag of teaching material, the high degree of discretion of teaching, the singleness of teaching methods, the lag of teaching measures, the ruleless of teaching process, the instability of qualified teachers’teams, the study indifference of students and so on. In my opinion, the main reason is due to that the Situation and Policies’Course have got the problems on the management system mechanism, the teaching materials, the teaching methods and the construction of qualified teachers’team. Therefore,it is of great realistic significance to research on practice and exploration of “situation and policies” course. The article introduced t


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