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公共部门项目团队绩效影响因素研究 摘 要 近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,公共部门参与越来越多的项目建设, 也组建了许多的项目团队,但很多却面临效果不理想,绩效不佳的困境。因为 以往的研究中,大多把团队作为一个整体,很少有针对性地讨论具体类型的团 队,而对于近几年新兴的项目团队的研究则更加缺乏。本文试图克服上述缺陷, 将研究对象设定为具体的项目团队;采用理论探索与实证调研相结合的、定性 的研究方法。本文把我国公共部门项目团队绩效作为研究对象,借鉴私人部门 项目团队建设的经验,结合我国公共部门项目团队的现状,提出了改进公共部 门项目团队绩效的对策和建议,旨在为公共部门项目建设提供一些参考。 本文在总结以往研究对团队绩效和项目团队绩效影响因素研究成果的基础 上,结合具体项目团队成员的访谈,得出影响公共部门项目团队绩效的因素主 要有领导、外部环境、成员技能与特征、协作、沟通、信任、相互依赖性等, 并根据这些影响因素,本文提出了改进公共部门项目团队绩的策略和建议。 本文主要是为进行公共部门项目团队建设提出一个规范的考虑途径,由于 影响项目团队绩效的因素比较多,因此对影响绩效各方面因素不可能一一展开, 只能结合案例访谈的结果,提出公共部门项目团队绩效的对策和建议,希望以 后能对此有更进一步的研究。 关键词:公共部门;项目团队;项目团队绩效;绩效影响因素 1 公共部门项目团队绩效影响因素研究 Abstract As the rapid development of the society and the economy in recent years, public sectors participate in some project constructions more and more and set up many project teams for it, but many of these are facing a plight of non-ideal effectiveness and failed performance. Few of the previous researches regarding the team as a whole pertinently discuss the concrete types of teams, not to say the research about the newly built project team in these years. This paper sets the research object as concrete project teams to try to break the above limitation, and adopts a qualitative research method of the combination of theory analysis and empirical study. The object of the study is the performance of the project team in public sector. Contemporarily, this paper uses the building experience of project teams from private section for reference and combines the status of the project team in public sectors of China to recommend the countermeasures and advices to the advance of the performance and the building of the project team


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