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摘 要 受贿犯罪自身的隐蔽性给司法实践带来了一定的困难,家属参与的受贿行 为更增加了检察机关查处的难度,给司法实践提出了严峻的挑战。由于有关身 份犯刑法理论本身的分歧以及司法实践中取证困难等原因,对于受贿中各种家 属参与行为的罪与非罪一直存在争议。加强对家属参与型受贿的研究既是司法 实践所需,也有利于理论研究的深入。本文以国内外身份犯理论研究成果及我 国相关刑事立法的历史及现状为依托,尝试将家属参与受贿的行为类型化,并 对其司法定性问题加以探讨。本文首先介绍了我国受贿案件中家属参与比例不 断攀升,然而查处比例却不尽乐观的总体情况,指出现有的刑法理论在司法实 践中存在的不足,从而分析受贿中家属参与行为在刑法理论上和司法实践中可 能遇到的困境,并在此基础上指出本文的基本思路、逻辑结构和研究方法。接 着,尝试分析了家属参与受贿的基本特点,着重阐述了斡旋受贿中家属参与行 为的法理基础,探讨了有关国内外有身份者和无身份者可否构成共同犯罪、有 身份者与无身份者可否构成共同实行犯的问题。另外,对我国有关无身份者能 否能构成受贿罪共犯问题的立法演变做了详细的说明。对家属参与受贿行为分 为完全合作型、部分合作型、利用型和放任型四种,并结合中国的现行法律体 系对家属的各种参与行为定性,尝试对司法实践中的一些疑难问题加以界定。 昀后,在总结全文的基础上,指出受贿行 为是一种社会综合症,要遏制受贿, 既要完善和加强立法,也要注重国家政策和管理上的完善。 关键词: 家属;共同犯罪;共同受贿;刑法修正案(七) 1Abstract Confidentiality of the bribe has brought certain confusion for the judicial practice. In recent years, more family members have participated in the bribe. These have brought challenges for the judicial practice. Because the criminal law theory on status violates have obvious difference, there are different opinions about the behavior that family members participates in the bribe. Therefore, researching the behavior of family members in the bribe is not only the need of the judicial practice, also is useful to fundamental research of criminal law theories. Based on the existing research achievement, the thesis puts Chinese concrete condition and the current legal framework together. This thesis attempts to classify various behaviors of family members in the bribe and discuss their essence. The thesis first introduces that the amount that the family member participates in the bribe is climbing unceasinglyHowever, the investigated proportion actually is rather small. The paper points out that the criminal law theory exist defect and insufficiency. How to analyze the behavior of the family member in bribe is very confused. Based on these, the writer points out the basic thinking, the logical organization and the research techniqueThen, the thesis points out the essential feature about the bribe which the f


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