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摘 要 冷战结束后,巴尔干地区陷入动荡之中。前南斯拉夫各共和国纷纷走向独 立,原自治省科索沃也于 2008 年 2 月 17 日单方面宣布独立。这一事件引起国 际社会广泛关注。本文试图全面深入地分析科索沃问题,并从中得出一些结论 和启示。为此,本文首先研究了科索沃问题产生的原因,认为科索沃问题发展 至今是历史因素、大国因素、当权者政策因素等共同作用的结果;接着,详细 分析了在当前的科索沃问题中具有重要影响的力量——美国、欧盟和俄罗斯的 政策演变及政策互动情况,认为其政策结果主要受制于权力及有效使用权力的 能力;然后,对科索沃问题发展趋势及影响进行了深入地思考,认为未来的科 索沃问题仍是“民族自决权”和“主权”的较量,科索沃单方面宣布独立改变 了欧洲的地缘政治格局、冲击了国际安全形势、助长了单边主义势头,削弱了 欧盟的道义力量。 关键词:科索沃;美国;欧盟;俄罗斯;政策 1 Abstract The Balkan area had been unstable since the end of thd Cold War. Former Yugoslavian member states declared independence one after another. Kosovo,one of Yugosalvia’s autonomous provinces,unilaterally declared independence in 17th February,2008.This event attracted comprehensive internatioal attentions. This paper tried to deeply analyze the Kosovo problem, and draw some useful conclusions and inspiration.Firstly, the paper studied reasons of the Kosovo problem,concluded that the problem was the result of the complex combination of history,great power and leader’s policies.Secondly,the paper detailedly analyzed the evolvement and mutual influences of policies of US,EU and Russia,which all had great impact on the problem nowadays. The paper concluded that result of their policies was limited by power and the ability to use power efficiently.Thirdly the paper studied the future and influences of the problem and concluded that the problem was still the struggle between the self-determination and the sovereignty. Kosovo’s unilateral behavior not only changed European geopolitics,harmed the international security,but also enforced the unilateralism and weakened the moral power of the EU. Key Words:Kosovo; US; EU; Russia;poli


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