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摘 要 刻板印象作为一个多学科交叉概念,受到社会学、心理学、传播学研究广 泛的重视。刻板印象与偏见、歧视同属社会认知范畴,三者紧密相关,因此对 刻板印象研究理论意义重大。传播学研究 目前正处于不断向外界渗透阶段,本 文对刻板印象的研究也正是此种趋势的表征之一。 河南区域歧视现象形成于上世纪末,作为一种社会消极认知偏见目前仍广 泛存在。本文以河南集体形象为例的研究初衷,即是关注现实、深究问题。 本文第一章回顾河南现象的种种表现、危害以及原因,与之相关的解决建 议,以及河南目前所处的窘境。 第二章主要从社会学、心理学、传播学多角度介绍关于“刻板印象”的概 念理论,同时进一步研究了媒体在刻板印象形成过程中的作用。 第三章则以《北京晚报》法制新闻报道为分析对象,通过对主题、人物的 分类归纳得出都市媒体中的河南集体形象;同时,运用批评话语分析理论对新 闻文本加以分析,探究新闻背后的偏向性。 第四章在前三章的基础上,归纳提炼出刻板印象的生成机制,提出刻板印 象的影响机制与动态生成模型。 本研究的价值在于归纳出河南的集体媒介形象与提出初步的刻板印象模 型。以后的研究趋向是建立动态指标监测机制,研究人们的心理变迁以及进行 影响变量间的实证分析。 关键词:刻板印象;河南集体形象;生成机制 Abstract Stereotype, as a multi-disciplinary theory, is highlighted in sociological, psychological and communicational studies. Stereotype, tightly bonds with prejudice and discrimination, belongs to social cognition scenario, thus the study of stereotype has great theoretical significance. The communication study now is on its way to convergent with other disciplines; this paper is the reflection of the above tendency. The regional discrimination of Henna province evolved its way to come from late last century and it still exists as a negative cognitional prejudice in the society now. The study takes the collective Henna image as an example with the original purposes of concerning the reality and examining the problems. The first chapter of the thesis consists of the illustration of Henna discrimination and the negative influences of it; in addition to that, it also analyses the reasons of such discrimination and provides the solutions to it. Meanwhile the discussion of the dilemma Henna people are facing now also contributes to the first chapter. The author gives an introduction of stereotype from multiple angles, such as sociology, psychology and


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