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摘要 摘要 摘摘要要 能源是经济与社会发展的基本动力。目前在人类的能源消费结构中,石油、煤炭 、 天然气、铀等矿物资源,占到了人类能源供给量的80%以上。如果矿石资源枯竭,而 新的能源体系又没有完全建立,将有可能造成全球经济危机和社会动荡。为了人类的 可持续发展,当前世界各国都在研究和开发新的可再生能源,而太阳能是科学家公认 的最有前途的替代能源。本文从产业经济学的角度分析我国光伏产业存在的问题。从 需求分析,我认为太阳能光伏产业在我国有着良好的发展前景和市场潜力,是缓解我 国能源危机、减轻环境污染、节能减排及发展循环经济的有效途径。 本文通过系统的分析提出了我国光伏产业发展存在的问题。我国光伏产业尚处于 发展初期,规模较小,但已经初步形成了以长江三角洲、京津冀地区和珠江三角洲为 基地的光伏产业群,只要充分发挥增长极的辐射带动作用,充分发挥产业集群效应, 光伏产业会带来惊人的发展速度。我国光伏产业还存在内需不足、产业链发展不完善 、 发电成本偏高等问题,需要正确对待。本文从政府的宏观政策导向、持续的产业政策 的制定、补贴政策的实施、融资渠道的开拓等角度提供了政策建议, 希望可以为光 伏产业的发展提供良好的外部环境,促使我国光伏产业快速发展。 关键词:太阳能;光伏产业;PEST分析;发展问题;政策建议; I Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt Energy is the basic motive f the economic and social development. At present, the mineral substances, such as petroleum, coal, gas, and uranium, accounted for more than 80% of the human energy supply on the humanitys energy consumption structure. If the mineral resources used up and the new energy system had not entirely builted, it would cause global economic crisis and social unrest. All the country are on the research of the new and renewable energy for the sustainable development of human beings. In all kinds of new energy, solar energy is generally regarded as the most promising way by the scientists. It gives the existing problems of photovoltaic industry from the perspective of industrial economics. From the requirement analysis, I think the solar energy industry in our country has a good development prospect and the potential market in China, and it is the effective way to develop circular economy, to alleviate the energy crisis, to reduce environmental po


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