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  摘 要 大学生就业不仅关系到大学生本人的人生价值实现,也是家庭教育投资的 一个收益过程,更是人力资源投入社会发挥作用的重要表现,关系到社会发展 的方方面面,在当前市场经济高速发展、就业制度改革和毕业生数量逐年增加、 社会整体就业形势日益严峻的多重背景下,大学生就业问题具有紧迫性和重要 性。劳动合同法的正式实施,更是为当前大学生严峻的就业形势增加了不确定 因素,分析劳动合同法的公布实施对大学生就业的影响,为政府制定有关政策 提供有价值的建议具有重要的现实意义。 本研究通过探讨劳动合同法公布前和实施前北京市大学生需求的预期的变 化,从需求方的角度探讨劳动合同法对大学生就业的影响。通过对劳动合同法 公布实施前后(2007 年6 月与2007 年 12 月)调查的数据采用BINARY LOGISTIC 回归分析和累积LOGISTIC 回归分析得到如下结论: 首先,劳动合同法对大学 生就业有显著地负面影响;其次,劳动合同法实施对大学生就业的负面影响要 大于其对其他有一定工作经验群体的影响;第三,学历水平越高,劳动合同法 对大学毕业生就业的负面影响越大。 关键词:大学生就业;需求预期;劳动合同法   2   Abstract College graduates employment deals with not only the value of students but also the family education investment revenue, and also affects the role of human resources played in social development. Moreover , in the current complex situation of rapid development of economy, employment system reform , more and more college graduates, and increasingly serious of social employment situation , the issue of college graduates employment is more urgent and important. The implementation of Labor Contract Law made employment situation of college students much more uncertain, so it is practical significance to study on the impact of the law on university students, and the result could provide the government with valuable suggestions for policy making. In this paper , I studied the demand expectation for college students of corporations in Beijing, and focused on the effect of the enactment of Labor Contract Law on this variable. So this study can survey the Labor Contract Law’s impact on graduates employment from the perspective of labor demander. I use the model of BINARY LOGISTIC regression


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