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摘 要 被害人行为对犯罪构成和量刑存在很大的影响,而这一影响并未得到 足够的重视。犯罪的构成和量刑更多地关注对犯罪人行为的考察,而对于 被害人因其行为而导致的对犯罪人刑事责任的影响,则较为忽视,因而笔 者对被害人行为在定罪量刑中的影响进行了分析和阐述。首先对被害人行 为作了范围上的界定,明确了本文所讨论的被害人行为的概念。其次,对 国内外有关被害人行为的研究现状和存在的问题进行了介绍和分析。再次, 对被害人行为的研究意义进行了阐述。在此基础上,根据被害人行为对犯 罪构成的影响对被害人行为进行了分类,尔后,通过对刑事责任和刑罚裁 量的关系的分析,笔者认为应当对刑事责任的分担有一个更新更开阔的认 识,而不能局限于仅仅对犯罪人行为责任的评价。客观真实地对被害人和 行为人的行为进行分析,明确界定双方刑事责任的分担,使定罪和量刑以 及对犯罪人行为的定性处理更符合罪责刑相适应的刑法基本原则,以确保 公正这一刑事法治终极价值追求的实现。 1 Abstract The victims’ behavior has huge influence on crime constitution and sentencing, but this influence is not paid enough attention. Crime constitution and sentencing always concern about the offenders’ behavior, and ignore the impact of the victims’ behavior on criminal responsibility. So I have analyzed the influence of victims’ behavior on crime constitution and sentencing. First, I have defined the range and concept of the victims’ behavior in the article. Then I introduced the study situation on this subject and analyzed the problems until now. After that, I have explained the value of this subject. Based on all the above, I have categorized the victims’ behavior according to the different influence. After all, through the analysis on the relationship of the criminal responsibility and sentencing, I think we should have a newer and broader sight on the criminal responsibility share, and can’t limit to the judgment of the offenders’ behavior. To analyze the offenders’ and victims’ behavior objectively and truly, and define the criminal responsibility share, in order to make the conviction and sentencing fit the “responsibility for criminal suit” principle better, so as to ensure the implementati


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