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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis appears with the support and help of many people: I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Zhang Yongxian, who had kindly offered me support from the outset on the design of this study and has shown great patience in the whole process. His instructions aroused my initial interest in the field of popular cultural studies. It is with his encouragement and generous help that this dissertation is finally finished. I am also grateful to Professor Zhang Weiping, Professor Li Yao , Professor Bi Yuling, Professor Li Huiming, Professor Wang Weidong, Professor Diao Keli, Professor Chen Shidan, as well as all teachers, for their valuable advice at various stages of the research. 4 Table of Contents Acknowledgements………………………………………………….……2 Introduction…………………………………………………………… 5 Chapter One Women in Australia 1.1 The Aboriginal Women……………………………………………11 1.2 Immigrant Women………………………………… ………………19 1.2.1 Convict and Free Immigrant Women before1851………………..19 1.2.2 Convict and Immigrant Arrivals………………………………….19 1.2.3 The Gender Balance………………………………………………20 1.2.4 Assisted Female Immigration1860-1920…………………………23 Chapter Two Gender Discrimination and Women’s Movement Waves in Australia 2.1 Gender Discrimination…………………...…….………………….24 2.2 Women’s Movement Waves in Australia ………………………25 Chapter Three Women’s Nowadays Status in Australia 3.1Women in Employment…………………………………………..34 5 3.2Women in Politics………………………………………………..39 Chapter Four The Obstacles to Gender Equality in Australia 4.1 Mateship and Machismo ………………………………………….44 4.2 Complex Ethnic Situations in Multi


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