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摘 要 公司是人和财产的结合,长期以来,我们更多强调的是公司的资合性质, 然而归根结底,“人”才是商业行为中最重要的因素。而人在公司经营中所发挥 的作用,则是通过公司中的权力运作显现出来。本文所提供的是对公司中权力 问题的一次较完整的纵向梳理,从界定公司中权力的定义开始,厘清围绕着公 司的权力和权利概念有助于我们避免相关学术研究中的出现的,由于概念混淆、 定性不准导致的结论错误。接下来分析公司中权力运行的特殊性,使我们能够 把握权力运用的规范特征,从而在法律和公司章程中有意识地根据权力特性进 行相关制度安排。接下来对公司治理问题——也即公司中权力配置的复杂性做 进一步的研究,指出传统公司法理论在现代被修正、在实践中没有产生预期效 果的原因一方面在于不断发展的商事实践有着巨大的塑造力,另一方面在于人 的因素具有不确定性。最后指出法律对公司制的发展起着相当重要的决定作用, 要依据商事实践的情况,在尊重公司自治的基础上进行更具有技术性和专业性 的法律安排。 关键词:权力 权利 公司治理 权力配置 1 Abstract Corporation is the combination of people and property. Although we have kept on emphasizing the capital congregation nature of the corporation, it is actually the people who is the most important factor in the commercial behavior. Through the operation of inner corporate power, the function of people in corporate management is demonstrated. This article mainly discusses the issue of inner corporate power. Beginning with the definition of inner corporate power, the article probes into the conclusive mistakes resulting from the confusion of those concepts, such as the power of corporate and the rights of corporate, as well as from the inaccuracy in determining their respective nature. This part’s discussion helps us avoid those mistakes. Then, the specialties of the operation of the inner corporate power is discussed, so as to grasp the normative characters of the operation of power as well as to follow these characters while enacting laws and drafting Articles of Association. After that, the author investigates into the issue of corporate governance, i.e. the complexity of


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