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摘 要 随着当代经济的迅速发展,各国贸易也逐渐开始遍及全球,先前的贸易 方式也逐步发生了变化,不再仅局限于地域、时间等。在经济发展的同时, 互联网信息也迅猛发展,电子商务随之应运而生。其中物流系统也是其中的 产物之一。 在结合当代物流的形式,物流系统的推出,对于有效的管理物流中的信 息,有个极其重要的作用。它的推出,很好的处理了物流中的各种信息,以 及更好的完善了物流中的金融活动,帐务结算。为物流公司更高效地处理事 物,也为物流公司提供了更完善的保存、处理信息,使其物流运作更加标准 化、科学性。 为了提高物流系统软件的可靠性,人们采用软件工程学方法来指导整个 软件的研发、测试过程。软件测试也越来越受到各企业的重视。 本文系统是基于 J2EE 架构实现,通过对其空运物流系统的部分功能进行 测试分析展开,运用所学的软件工程技能对系统进行分析,本文主要完成的 工作包括: 1.通过所学的软件工程知识对系统进行需求分析; 2.通过黑盒测试对空运物流系统进行功能性测试; 3.通过白盒测试对空运报表系统进行测试。 【关键词】:物流,软件测试,空运,黑盒测试 【论文类型】:应用研究 I Abstract The trade of countries gradually began to spread around the world with the rapid development of modern economy, the way of previous trade is also began to be changed, no longer limited to the regional, time and so on. At the same time, the Internet also developed speedily, and the e-business also gradually go to our daily life, the system of logistics is just best example. In the form of contemporary logistics, the system of logistics play a very important role to manage the effective information for logistics. With its help, various information are good handled, also it makes financial activities and billing more better in logistics. It helps logistics company more efficient to handle things, more perfect to preserve or process information, and to make the logistics operation more standardized, scientific. In order to improve the reliability of soft of logistics, the method of software engineering is used to guide the whole software development and testing. And also people pay more attention to the software testing. This system is based on J2EE, we will use software engineering skills to analysis some functions


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