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毕 业 设 计 题 目: 云南花卉产业出口问题及对策研究 院、 系: 经济学院,国际经济与贸易 姓 名: 指导教师: 系 主 任: 云南花卉产业出口问题及对策研究 摘 要 近年来,地处我国西南边陲的云南省利用得天独厚的气候优势,大力发展花卉产业花卉产品结构也由单一向多样化发展。云南凭借发展花卉的自然、社会资源优势,不断拓展海外花卉市场,花卉产业的出口能力不断增强。目前,云南已成为亚洲最大的花卉出口基地。但是云南花卉产业还存在花卉产品缺乏国际竞争力、自主知识产权发展滞后、产业规模效应未得到充分发挥、、花卉运销物流体系不健全、“云花”出口受旱灾影响等问题。若不能及时解决这些问题,将制约云南花卉产业持续、健康、稳定的发展。 本文结合当前云南花卉产业的发展及出口现状,来阐述制约云南花卉产业出口的问题,并有针对性地提出解决这些问题的相应对策,力求将对云南花卉产业出口的负面影响降到最低,最终实现促进云南花卉出口发展的目的。 Export Problems and Countermeasures of Yunnan Flower Industry Abstract In recent years, Yunnan province which located in the southwestern border takes advantage of unique climate developing its flower industry vigorously Currently, the product structure changes from single to diversify. With the development of flowers based on Yunnan natural and social resources, expanding overseas flower market thus flower industrys export capacity is growing Currently, Yunnan has become Asias largest flower export base. But there are some problems that we should face to :Flower industry products lack of international competitiveness, intellectual property development lags behind, industrial scale have not been fully play is not really a diversified industrial development pattern, social service system is imperfect, floral distribution logistics system is not perfect, Yun Flowers export of?the effects of drought and other issues.?If you these problems can`t be solved. They will restrict the flower industry in Yunnan sustained, healthy and stable development. This combined with the current development of flower industry in Yunnan and export situation, to elaborate flower industry in Yunnan restrict the export of problems and puts forward corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems, and strive to export flower industry in Yunnan will minimize the negative impact, and ultimately pr



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