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摘 要 成对联想记忆是由德国心理学家艾宾豪斯提出的一种有效的记忆方法。汉 字是形声义的组合,错综复杂的汉字系统内部之间具有无穷的联系。本文旨在将 成对联想记忆应用于对外汉语汉字教学中,初步构建起成对联想汉字系统,初步 提出了一些汉字成对联想的教学方法。同时通过实验,检验汉字成对联想对于汉 字初学者学习效果的影响,并将实验结果有效地融入课堂教学,探讨建构成对联 想式汉字教学方法。 本论文分为四章: 第一章:研究综述。本章主要介绍国内外汉字联想教学的研究现状, 以及以 往研究中的价值极及问题。 第二章:汉字成对联想教学法。本章是论文的核心理论部分,提出了汉字成 对联想的类型。将汉字成对联想分成了三类:形似联想、音似联想、义似联想, 初步构建了成对联想系统。同时也提出了关于汉字成对联想教学的设想。 第三章:成对联想记忆在教学中运用的实证调查。本章设计了检验汉字成对 联想认知效果的实验。对成对联想组、非成对联想组和非联想组的实验结果进行 比较分析,从而得出结论。从实验结果反映出的问题,进一步对教学方案进行修 正。实验结果表明:汉字初学者,通过汉字成对联想,汉字学习效果高于其他两 种方法。 第四章:结尾。结尾部分将对本次研究工作进行总结,指出研究中存在的不 足以及以后可改进的地方。 关键词: 汉字教学 成对联想 成对联想系统 Abstract Paired association memory technology is an effective method which is put forward by Germany psychologist. Chinese character is combination of grapheme pronunciation and meaning. Complicated Chinese character system is full of infinite affiliation. This article is designed to apply paired association technology to the teaching foreigner Chinese character; build the paired association system of Chinese character and put forward some teaching method; test the effect of paired association for Chinese character beginner; integrate experimental result into classroom teaching to explore the construction of paired association-style teaching of Chinese characters. This thesis is divided into four chapters: Chapter Ⅰ: Sumarry. This chapter primarily introduces the status of Chinese character association teaching and aspects which related to prevenient research. ChapterⅡ: Paired association teaching method of Chinese character. This chapter is the core of the thesis. Paired association is divided into three types : paired association based on grapheme, paired association based on pronunciation, paired association based on meaning, further put forward the idea on paired association teaching of Chinese character. Ch


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