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  摘 要   惯用语是一个民族的语言词汇系统中能够最直接、敏感地反映出该民族文化 价值取向的词语。  惯用语是蒙古学生学习汉语时的一大难点。本论文在对汉蒙惯用语对比的基 础上,对对外汉语教材中出现的惯用语在蒙语中的对应情况进行分类,并据此分 类提出相应的针对蒙古国汉语学生的惯用语学习与教学对策。  全文共分五个部分:  第一章绪论,介绍研究目的、内容和方法,同时对前人的研究成果进行综述。   第二章对汉蒙语惯用语的来源与特点(语义、语用)进行对比。  第三章根据汉蒙语对比研究成果和已有的惯用语研究文献进行梳理,找出对 外汉语教材中出现的 196 条惯用语并根据其在蒙语中的对应情况进行分类。  第四章根据上一章的分类提出相应的惯用语学习与教学对策。  第五章结论,总结全文并指出今后的研究方向。  作者希望通过本论文的研究,加强蒙古国的汉语惯用语教学,提高惯用语教 学质量,促进蒙古学生对汉语惯用语的理解和掌握,提高汉语跨文化交际能力。      关键词:汉语惯用语;蒙语;对应;蒙古学生;教学对策                          Abstract Idiomatic phrases, the important component of the lexicon of a language, always reflect the cultural values of a nation. Idiomatic phrase is one of the major difficulties for Mongolian students in their Chinese learning. This paper, on the basis of the comparison of idiomatic phrases between Chinese and Mongolian, classifies the Chinese idiomatic phrases, which appear in the Chinese textbooks, according to their different types of correspondence in Mongolian. And finally the author puts forward different teaching methods and strategies for different types of the idiomatic expressions. The full text is divided into five parts: Chapter one: Introduction, which introduces the research purpose, content and methods and makes a review of the previous researches in this area. Chapter two: A comparison and contrast (origins and semantic meanings) of the idiomatic expressions in both Chinese and Mongolian. Chapter three: A classification of the Chinese idiomatic expressions appearing in Chinese textbooks according to their different types of co


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