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摘 要 《太平御覽》引《說文》考 [摘要] 《說文解字》一書,傳承歷時久遠,寫刻經手繁多。今日版本面貌, 尚存有唐代李陽冰刊定之跡,其基本面貌,則為南唐徐鉉徐鍇兄弟所刊定,遠非 許慎當時原貌。清乾嘉年間學者多有校勘《說文》之舉,意在利用二徐及李陽冰 刊定《說文》之前形成的文獻中所引用的《說文解字》,校勘傳本《說文解字》, 從而在一定程度上還原許慎原書。旁徵博引,意見豐富。然而迄無定本。且自晚 清以來,可據以校勘《說文》之新材料屢有所見,故《說文》校勘之著述至今仍 時有新作。《太平御覽》作為宋代以前規模最大的類書,常被古今學者認作輯佚 校勘之寶庫。校《說文》者亦不例外。然其書素乏善本,故清儒據以校勘群書及 《說文》,不無可議之處。《四部叢刊三編》影印宋本《太平御覽》,為迄今所見 《太平御覽》最善之本,然其多數篇幅,為校勘《說文》之大多數清儒所未嘗謀 面。本文立足此本,輯出其中所引用 《說文》文字,并將之與今通行本《說文解 字》進行對比,收羅異文,評判正誤,取其正者校正今本《說文》,于其誤者則 說明誤之所由;并借鑒清儒據當時所見《御覽》校勘《說文》之意見,評判其《御 覽》底本及校勘意見之優劣。最終歸納宋本《太平御覽》所引用《說文》之性質、 條例,評價其所引用《說文》文本在校勘意義上的價值和不足。 [關鍵詞] 《說文解字》,《太平御覽》,校勘 ABSTRACT A lot of editions has been made during the long period when the book Shuo Wen Jie Zi (說文解字)passes from generation to generation by copying or printing. We can see in the usual edition of the book Shuo Wen Jie Zi (說文解字)a few traces of modifying by Li Yangbing (李陽冰)in the Tang Dynasty and a lot of traces of modifying by the brothers Xu Xuan and Xu Kai (徐鉉徐鍇兄弟)in the Southern Tang Dynasty when they tried for definitive editions of the book., all of which were far different from the first edition by Xu Shen (許慎). Scholars in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty tried for the definitive edition of the book by sorting out the quotations from the book by the documents written before the Xu brothers ,even Li Yangbing. There had been many pieces of reasonable suggestions for the definitive edition of the book by those scholars, but none edition of the book had been made according to the suggestions by now, which is a part reason why the attempt for the definitive edition of the book has not disappeared by now and published works on the attempt has been written every now and then. As the longest one of the encyclopedias in the medieval period of Ancient China, Taiping Imperial Encyclopaedia (太平御覽)has been always considered by sch


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