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摘要 综合课作为对外汉语教学中的主干课程,是一门对学生进行语言知识教学和 各项语言技能综合训练的实践汉语课。课堂提问作为综合课课堂教学活动不可或 缺的组成部分,是对外汉语课堂师生互动的重要手段之一,也是培养学生语言技 能的重要方法。新手教师是一个特殊的群体,他们既是高级阶段的对外汉语教学 的学习者,同时又是对外汉语教学领域的新生力量。对新手教师的综合课课堂提 问的研究,可以让我们探究真实课堂活动,收集、整理课堂提问活动中所存在的 问题,为今后新手教师的培训提供依据和参考。 本文采用自然调查法,收集了6 位新手教师、共300 分钟的综合课课堂录像 资料。通过对新手教师提问的数量;提问的问题的类型;提问的策略;教师的反 馈和教师提问后的等待时间五个方面的分析,本文总结了综合课新手教师课堂提 问的特点,提出了提问过程中存在的问题并最终给与相应的建议。 关键词:对外汉语综合课、新手教师、教师提问、提问类型、提问策略、反馈 V Abstract Intensive reading class ,one of the basic core courses in Teaching Chinese as Second Language, is intended to impart language knowledge as well as master language skills. And as an indispensible part of classroom teaching, classroom questioning is an essential means of classroom intercommunication and an important method for training student’s language skills. Novice teacher is a special group; they are not merely the advanced learner of teaching Chinese as second language learner, but also the new teachers of teaching Chinese as second language. The research of the novice teachers in the classroom questioning can help us probe into the actual classroom activity,collect and classify the problems existing in class, and provide the basis and the reference for the novice teachers training in future. The thesis uses the natural investigation to collect data from 6 novice teachers, 300-minute teaching videos. By analyzing the amount of questions, the question types (including contents and forms) ,questioning strategies, teacher’s feedback and teachers’ waiting-time, the thesis summarizes the characteristics of the novice teacher’s questioning in TCSL intensive reading class, then presents some existing problem, and finally gives some corresponding suggestions. Key Words: TCSL


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