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论文摘要 处于汉文化圈的越南,在各个方面都受中国的影响。越南曾有过以汉 字为正统文字的一段悠久的历史。汉字是记录语素的文字,一个汉字用一个 音节来表示,一个音节也只能用一个汉字书写。古代汉语以单音节词为主, 汉语传入越南语的初期一般也都是单音节词,后来随着语言的发展,越南语 和汉语一样都呈现双音节化的趋势,原先的单音节词一方面仍保留着本来的 意义,另一方面还作构词的基本单位,我们把这些语素称为“汉源语素”。 如今,越南的现行文字是拉丁字母的表音文字。从文字的字形看,汉 字和越南文字貌似无关,其实构成文字的形、音、义三个要素中,汉字的字 音、字义与越南语相对应的仍具有密切的关系。通过汉字字音的“活化 石”——汉越音,寻求两者的关系以及相对应规律可以促进汉字教学效率。 本论文的研究目的是通过研究越南语中的汉源语素,明确地掌握该成 分的特点以及在汉字教学中的地位,从而寻找出不同的方法,快速提高越南 学生学习汉字的效率。 本论文一共有六章,除了理论基础之外,第三章、第四章和第五章分别 论述汉源语素和汉字的字音、字义、字形的关系。第六章根据所获得的研究 结果提出一些提高对越汉字教学效率的方法(或建议)。 关键词:越南 汉字 汉源语素 教学 效 率 ABSTRACT  Vietnam is a country in the Chinese culture circle (i.e. Chinese culture region), most of its aspects are under the effect of the Chinese civilization. There was a long history period in which Chinese was used as an official written language in Vietnam. Written Chinese is based on character morphemes (each Chinese character represents a morpheme, but not a phoneme), each Chinese character is represented by a syllable, and, vice versa, each syllable in Chinese is used to represent a character. The majority of lexical items are monosyllabic in ancient Chinese, and in the early time when Chinese entered Vietnam, they were mainly monosyllabic items. Later, with the development of language, Vietnamese and Chinese tended to be diphthongized. The early monosyllabic words, on the one hand, kept their original meaning, functioned, on the other, as word forming basic units, which are termed “Chinese language radicals”. In the present time, the Vietnamese writing system is phontetical Latin writing. On the surface, there seems to be no relation between Vietnamese and Chinese writing systems; however,


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