
团体咨询在硕士“情绪管理” 中的应用与研究.pdfVIP

团体咨询在硕士“情绪管理” 中的应用与研究.pdf

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28 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7 ! 4 ! ! 2010 * 龚惠香 ( 浙江大学 城市学院, 浙江 杭州310015) : ! 了解团体心理咨询对研究生情绪管理的作用! 对在校有 一 情绪困扰的6 名研究生, 采 用团体心理咨询的方法进行干预! 经评估, 6 名研究生参加活动后在了解自我相信自我接纳自我 了解情绪管理情绪认知改变等10 个方面都发生了正向变化, 且与团体咨询前比较差异有统计学意义( P 0.01) , 除对自己的表现外, 其余方面 非常满意 和 满意 之和均为100% ! 团体心理咨询对于研究生 了解情绪管理情绪, 提升研究生心理素质是一种有效的办法 : 团体心理咨询; 研究生; 情绪管理 : B842. 6! ! ! ! : B Application and Research of Group Consulting in Graduate Students∀ Emotion Management GONG Huixiang ( City Colleg e, Zhej iang Un iv er sity , H angz hou Zhej iang 310015, China) Abstract:Objective! This a er aims to find out t he effect of grou consulting on graduat e st udents emotion management. Method! Six graduatestudents, suffering from emotional disturbance, were ut in t heex eriment grou . They received sychological nursing intervention through grou consult ing . Results! Positive changes ha ened in the as ects of understanding, believing, acce t ing, emotion management, and cognit ion change, of selves which is stat istically significant in com arison w ith thel before the consulting( P 0.01) . Exce t for the selfevaluation, great sat isfact ion and satisfaction scored 100% in all as ects . Conclusion! Grou consult ing is an effective way to hel graduate students wnderst and and manage emot ion, and it can also build their mental qualities. Key ords:Grou Consulting; Graduate student; Emot ion management ! ! , , 20 90 ,


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