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中国行为医学科学1997年第6卷第1期 ·23 · 大学生入学成绩与性格 类型和智力水平的相关研究 朱晓峰 周绍辉 胡启先    目的 研究大学生入学成绩与智力和性格类型的相互关系。方法 对 550 名低年级大学生进行艾森人格测验(EPQ ) , 并对 其中部分典型学生进行智力测定( - ) 。结果 入学成绩与智力有正相关, 不同来源学生智力水平有所不同。入学成绩优 WA IS RC 秀的群体中, 典型外倾者较多, 入学成绩较差的群体中, 典型内倾者较多。班干部中多血质型占绝大多数, 粘液质、胆汁质型较少, 抑郁质型最少。结论 对不同来源、不同性格的学生要区别对待, EPQ 可作为选拔班干部的筛选工具。 关键词 入学成绩 性格类型 智力 The correlative study on the academ ic achievemen t of en trance exam ination and in telligence, personality type in un iversity studen ts, , , , , 570208 Z hu X iaof eng Z ho S haohu i H u Q ix an T he P sy cholog ical Counsel Center of the General H osp ital of H aikou C ity H aikou , Objec ive To study the relationsh ip among the ach ievem ent of entrance exam ination and intelligence personality type in univer sity students M ethods 550 junio r university students w ere investigated w ith EPQ and the part of them w ere tested w ith WA IS- . . PC Results T he students of different source have different intellectual level T here are h igher sco res of E in the group w ho se aca dem ic ach ievem ent of entrance exam ination are w ell and low er sco res of E in poo r ach ievem ent group. In the class cadres, the mo st w ere the type of sanguine temperam ent , the next w ere type of cho leric temperam ent and type of ph legm atic temperam ent. none w as the type of m elancho lic temperam ent. Conclusion D ifferent m anngem ent sho lud be used fo r the student of different sources and dif .


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