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! 948 ! , 5FU 2 1
仲昭坤, 岳学文, 于泽
烟台山医院南院区肿瘤内科, 山东 烟台264000
为了评价5F U 植入剂心包内植入治疗恶性心包积液的疗效, 将2 1 例恶性心包积液患者行 声引导下心
包内植入5F U 植入剂0 . 5 g每周复查彩 , 4 周后评价疗效, CR 38. 1% ( 8/ 2 1) , P R 42 . 9 % ( 9/ 21) , 有效率 810 %
( 17/ 2 1) , 无明显毒副反应初步研究结果提示, 心包内植入5FU 植入剂治疗恶性心包积液疗效佳, 方法安全
, 20 10, 17( 12) : 948- 949
Clinical observat ion on intrapericardial implantaion w it h fluorouracil implants in the t reat ment
of malignant pericardial effusion of 21 patients
ZH ONG Zhaokun, YUE X uew en, YU Ze
Dep artment of Oncology, Yantai Mountain H osp ital, Yantai 264000, .R. China
[ ABSTRACT] T he o bj ec ive of his s udy w as o evalua e he fluo ro ur acil implan s in he r ea men of malignan per
icar dial effu sion . T w en yone pa ien s w i h malig nan per icardial effu sion underw en pericar dial ul r aso undguided im
plan a io n fluor ouracil implan s 0. 5 g. T he pa ien s w er e r eview ed by hypersound every w eek , and he herapeu ic
eff ec w as ev alua ed af er four w eeks. T here w ere pa ien s w i h CR( 38. 1% , 8/ 2 1) and PR( 42 . 9 % , 9/ 21) , and he
eff iciency w as ( 8 1. 0 % , 17/ 21) . In co nclusion , he eff iciency of fluo ro ur acil implan ed pericar dial implan s in he
rea men of malignan per icardial effusion is w ell. T he me ho d is saf e and easy.
Chin J Cancer rev Treat, 20 10, 17( 12) : 948- 949
心包积液/ 并发症; 心包积液/ 药物疗法; 氟尿嘧啶
[ KEYWORDS] pericar dial effu sion/ co mplica io ns; per car dial effu sion/ drug herapy; f luor ourcail
R730. 6 A 1673- 5269 ( 2010) 12- 094 8- 02
, , 16 ( 9 , 7 ) , 5 ( )
10 % ~ 15% [ 1] 35~ 6 8 , 522 , 13
, ,