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摘 要
本毕业设计论文是东港60KV降压变电所电气部分初步设计。 全论文除了摘要、毕业设计书之外,还详细的说明了各种设备选择的最基本的要求和原则依据。 变压器的选择包括:主变压器的台数、容量、型号等主要技术数据的确定;电气主接线主要介绍了电气主接线的重要性、设计依据、基本要求、各种接线形式的优缺点以及主接线的比较选择,并制定了适合要求的主接线; 短路电流计算是最重要的环节,本论文详细的介绍了短路电流计算的目的、假定条件、一般规定、元件参数的计算、网络变换、以及各短路点的计算等知识; 高压电气设备的选择包括母线、高压断路器、隔离开关、电流互感器、电压互感器的选择原则和要求,并对这些设备进行校验和产品相关介绍 。而根据本论文所介绍的高压配电装置的设计原则、要求和60KV、10KV的配电装置,决定此次设计60 KV侧采用普通中型布置、10KV侧采用屋内配电布置。继电保护和自动装置的规划,包括总则、自动装置、一般规定主变压器、母线等设备的保护, 而变电所的防雷保护则主要针对避雷针和避雷器的设计。此外,在论文适当的位置还附加了图纸(主接线、平面图、断面图等)及表格以方便阅读、理解和应用。
关键字:短路计算 校验 设备选择
This graduate design thesis is a certain declining to press to change to give or get an electric shock an electricity parts of first steps design. Whole thesis besides summary, graduate to design the book outside, returned the expatiation every kind of most basic request that equipments choose with the principle according to. The choice of the transformer includes:The main technique in number, capacity, model number...etc. in set data of the main transformer really settles;The electricity lord connected the line to introduce primarily the electricity lord connects the linear importance, design according to, the basic request, every kind of merit and shortcoming and lords that connect the line form connects the linear choosing more, combining the lord that established the in keeping with request connect the line; Shortcircuit current calculation is calculation, network transformation that the most important link that calculation etc. knowledge, this thesis introduced the calculating purpose, assumption in shortcircuit current term, general provision, a parameter detailedly, and each short circuit order; The choice of the high pressure electric equipment includes the choice principle of the busbar, high pressure circuitbreaker, isolation switch, current transformer, voltage transformer with request, and proceed to these equipmentseses the school check with the related introduction in product.But go together with the design principle, request that el
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