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* 警报灯 仅金黄色灯亮不需要回答可能有辅助文字NAR only yellow warning light (text assistance possible) ? RoW two-colour warning light两个灯亮需要回答 - 黄色在低于目标值0.2 bar Yellow at below target value -红色在低于目标值和高速压力泄漏Red at 0.4 bar below target value and rapid pressure loss ( min 0.2bar/min ) TOC button按键 – 部分负荷和全负荷partial load / total load switching * 车轮电子 4/5个车轮电子单元不间断的测量轮胎压力温度和加速度The four / five electronic wheel units installed in the wheels constantly measure temperature, pressure and wheel acceleration. 如果识别到加速度超过4g相当于车速20km/h每个车轮电子单元每隔15s发送3个信息,30个信息后停止,发送间隔增加到60s。If an acceleration value above 4 g (equivalent to approx. 20 km/h) is detected, three telegrams are sent by each electronic wheel unit every 15 seconds. After 30 transmission blocks, the transmission interval is increased to 60 seconds. 如果察觉到压力变化每分钟超过0.2Bar,而后车轮电子立即发送If a pressure change above 0.2 bar per minute is detected, the electronic wheel unit transmits immediately after detection. 压力警报系统在车辆停止后仍然工作The pressure change monitoring system also works while the vehicle is stationary. 欧洲版本 中央控制键可以关闭系统The system is switched off using the centre console button. 如果按压该键超过10将关闭系统If the button is pressed for 10 seconds (soft parameter), the system switches itself off. 信息显示2s轮胎压力控制关闭A message appears for 2 seconds: Tire pressure control off“. 信息显示伴随着锣声This message is accompanied by an additional gong sound. 功能指示按键关闭The function indicators on the button are out. 扎胎: 如果轮胎扎破,通过带有轮胎电子充满起的北台更换,加速度传感器监测到车辆行驶,电子单元开始自学习,警报取消If, due to a tire puncture, the defective wheel is replaced by the fully functional spare wheel with wheel electronics (optional), this is detected immediately by the acceleration sensor of the electronic wheel unit on starting to drive. The electronic unit learns. The warning is cancelled. 校准: 打开点或开关后按压轮胎压力警报按键超过4s,4s后校准开始,闪烁频率加倍。没有信息或校准完成。轮胎压力监控系统开始监控轮胎滚动情况,在自学习侯。The driver starts a calibration phase by pressing the RPA button in the centre console for at least 4 seconds wh


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