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摘 要 随着中国社会经济的快速发展,中国汽车工业得到了迅猛壮大,但在全球经济危机的影响下,中国的汽车市场的蓬勃发展以及潜在的销售能量,吸引了众多国际汽车品牌的加入与国内汽车品牌组建成立合资企业或者是成立单独的外资企业,并建立自己的品牌4S店,随着汽车的增多,国内汽车市场的竞争日趋激烈。本设计以实地调研为主要基础,以文献检索为辅助手段,在熟悉汽车4S店建筑经营管理和汽车营销模式的前提下,对汽车4S店发展、4S店的目的和意义作对国内外的汽车4S店建筑实例进行科学分析与归纳总结,4S店设计方面知识和建筑学知识等,对保时捷汽车4S店的建筑形式,规划布局、选址、平面功能分区及其设计要素建筑内外部形象等方面,设计服务功能完善合理的汽车4S店并且尝试提出汽车4S店建筑设计的一些启示和建议4S店;保时捷;设计;功能 ABSTRACT With Chinese rapid socio-economic development, Chinese auto industry has been growing rapidly, but the impact of the global economic crisis, Chinese booming car market as well as the potential sale of energy, has attracted many international car brands to join, including security Porsche cars, these foreign brands and domestic automobile brands to set up a joint venture set up or set up a separate foreign-funded enterprises and to establish its own brand car 4S shop, with the number of motor vehicles, the domestic auto market is becoming more competitive. The design of field research design as the main basis for the literature search for the aid, in a familiar car 4S shop construction management and automotive marketing model under the premise of the automotive development of 4S shops, design shops 4S Porsche car made the purpose and significance of detail. Cars at home and abroad through the 4S shops or stores such as automotive construction and examples of scientific analysis are summarized, and use what we learned in the design of auto 4S store of knowledge and knowledge of architecture, shop for Porsche automobile 4S form of the structure, planning layout, site selection, zoning and design graphic elements, such as building internal and external aspects of the image of a reasonable design and planning, in order to design the service functions of the relative sound reasonable 4S Porsche car shop, and on this basis try to Automobile 4S shop some of the architectural design and recommendations. Key words:Automobile;4S ;Porsche;Designunction 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 国内外汽车4S店现状 1 1.3 目的和意义 2 1.3.1 目的 2


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