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第七届飞思卡尔杯 全国大学生智能汽车竞赛 技 术 报 告SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY学 校: 上海交通大学队伍名称: Cyber15队参赛队员: 吕修文 金至卓 吕哲鸣带队教师: 王冰 王春香 关于技术报告和研究论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解第七届“飞思卡尔”杯全国大学生智能汽车邀请赛关保留、使用技术报告和研究论文的规定,即:参赛作品著作权归参赛者本人,比赛组委会和飞思卡尔半导体公司可以在相关主页上收录并公开参赛作品的设计方案、技术报告以及参赛模型车的视频、图像资料,并将相关内容编纂收录在组委会出版论文集中。参赛队员签名: 带队教师签名: 日 期: 摘要 本文以第七届全国大学生智能车竞赛为背景,介绍了两轮自平衡智能赛车控制系统的软硬件结构和开发流程。该比赛采用大赛组委会统一指定的C型车模,以Freescale半导体公司生产的32位单片机MK60DN512VLQ10 Kinetis AR-Cortex M4为核心控制器,在CodeWarrior IDE 开发环境中进行软件开发,要求赛车在未知道路上沿着通有20KHz电磁信号的线以最快的速度完成比赛。整个系统涉及车模机械结构调整、传感器电路设计及信号处理、控制算法和策略优化等多个方面。为了提高智能赛车的行驶速度和可靠性,对比了不同方案的优缺点,并结合Matlab以及Labview仿真平台进行了大量底层和上层测试,最终确定了现有的系统结构和各项控制参数。车模使用飞思卡尔加速度传感器MMA7260以及村田公司ENC-03陀螺仪进行卡尔曼融合,获取车模直立姿态。使用电容电感组成的谐振电路检测电磁信号幅值。通过二轮差速进行车模的转向。 关键词:Freescale,智能车,电磁,两轮子平衡,卡尔曼滤波 ABSTRACT In the background of the 7th National Intelligent Car Contest for College Students, this article introduces the software and hardware structures and the development flow of the vehicle control system. This contest requires the model to finish the race as fast as possible while following a line in which 20KHz sinuous signal passes through. We adopted C-type car model provided by the organizing committee, used the 32-bit MK60DN512VLQ10 Kinetis AR-Cortex M4 produced by Freescale Semiconductor Company as the core controller, and developed under the CodeWarrior IDE. The whole system includes the aspects of the mechanism structure adjustment, the sensor circuit design and signal process, control algorithm and strategy optimization etc. In order to increase the speed and the reliability of the car, the advantage and disadvantage of the different schemes are compared, and a great number of the bottom layer and the upper layer tests are carried on combined with the Matlab and Labview simulation platform. At last, the current system structure and each control parameters are determined. It captures the road information through sensors consist of capacities and inductors. Angle signal can be got through Kalman filter with ENC-03, a


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