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清末书院改制研究 摘 要 书院作为中国历史上一种特殊的教育组织形式,萌芽于唐,繁荣于宋,延续于元,全 面普及于明清,前后一千余年,对中国封建社会中后期学术文化发展和人才培养等方面作 出了突出贡献。其发展至清末,巨大的社会变革、滚滚而来的西学浪潮和书院自身的弊端 丛生,使得书院改学堂作为一条“兴学致速之法”走上了历史舞台。书院改制从郑观应的 最早提出,到戊戌改制诏令的颁布,旋又经过戊戌变法的“照旧办理”,最终在“新政” 改制中得以完成。它顺应了当时社会变革和发展的要求,推动了中国近代新式学堂的大发 展,为中国近代教育发展奠定了基础,并在实践上促进了中国教育近代化和普及化进程。 与此同时,在这次全国性教育变革中也暴露出了诸多弊端和不足,如忽视教育自身发展规 律、教育行政化和功利性色彩浓厚、古今中外新旧教育关系处理不当等,对我国当代教育 制度改革仍有一定的启示借鉴意义。 关键词:书院;改制;背景;历程;评价 Abstract As one kind of unique educational organization in the history of China, the academy produced from Tang, and flourished in Song, continued in Yuan, broadly populated between Ming and Qing Dynasties. It had lasted for more than one thousand years and made outstanding contributions to many aspects in the late feudal society of China, such as academical and cultural development and personnel training. At the end of Qing dynasties, great social change, the wave of western culture and the academys own shortcomings made the transformation of the academy which was a method of quickly establishing school step into the historical stage. It was Zheng Guanying who fist proposed the transformation. After that, academy has experienced reform—or for—again turns reform path and finally been replaced by the school. The transformation of the academy had complied with the requirement of social change and development, promoted the great development of the new school in modern China, laid a foundation for the development of Chinese modern education, and promoted to modernize the Chinese education. At the same time, it had exposed many shortcomings and deficiencies, such as ignoring the education law of its own development, strong utilitarian color and misconducting the relationship between ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, old and new education. All of those have s



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