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多点粮仓温湿度的无线监测系统设计与实现 学院名称: 电气信息工程学院 专 业: 测控技术与仪器 班 级: 07 测控 2W 姓 名: 陈 晓 玲 指导教师姓名: 刘晓杰 指导教师职称: 讲 师 2011年 6月 多点粮仓温湿度的无线监测系统设计与实现 摘要:为满足采集多点粮仓温湿度信息值监测的需求,设计一上位控制主机和多点下位监测分机两部分。由温度传感模块、湿度传感模块、无线传输模块和单片机模块等组成下位监测分机,由单片机模块、按键模块、无线传输模块和报警模块等组成上位控制主机。下位监测分机通过测量粮仓内温湿度,经过无线传输模块把监测节点的温湿度信息值传送至上位主机,并在显示器上显示出该监测节点的节点号和该监测点当前温湿度测量值,并具有温湿度超值报警功能,下位机同时能显示当前本地信息值。 关键词:无线传输模块;温湿度传感器;单片机 Design ang Implemenatation of the Multi-humiture Wireless Monitoring System for the Granary Abstract: To collect more information of the humiture required for the granary, the multi-humiture wireless monitoring system is designed , which include some lower detecting equipments and a host monitor. Each lower detecting equipment consists of some temperature sensor modules, some humidity sensor modules, a wireless transmission module, a microcontroller module and other components. The host monitor consists of a microcontroller module, a key module, a wireless transmission module, an alarm module and other components. By measuring the next bit monitoring extension barn temperature and humidity in the wireless transmission module, after the temperature and humidity of the information value monitoring nod, and transmit first a host on the display shows that the monitoring node node number and the monitoring and measuring value, the temperature and humidity with temperature and humidity value alarm functions, lower place machine and can display the current local information value . Keywords: Wireless transmission module; humiture sensors; single-chip microcomputer 目录 前言 1 第1章 绪论 2 1.1 课题的意义和目的 2 1.2 课题的研究内容 2 1.3 课题的任务要求 3 第2章 系统方案设计 4 2.1 方案的选择与论证 4 2.1.1 总体设计方案 4 2.1.2 方案的比较与论证 5 2.1.3 系统结构框图设计 6 2.2 系统各模块的功能设计 7 2.2.1 电源模块 7 2.2.2 温湿度测量模块 7 2.2.3 单片机控制模块 7 2.2.4 无线传输模块 8 2.2.5 按键选择模块



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