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需全套CAD图纸 联系QQ 648328618各专业都有 太原理工大学阳泉学院 毕业设计说明书 毕业生姓名 : 专业 : 机械设计制造及其自动化 学号 : 指导教师 : 所属系(部) : 机械电子工程系 二〇〇九年五月 CTY8/6-PG 电机车的设计 摘要 CTY8/6-PG 电机车是一种新型矿用电机车,安设在巷道内,用于矿井、平巷等综采工作面设备的搬迁,及其他各类机电设备的运输。亦可代用架线式电机车运输,用于采掘工作面、井底车场、煤矿地面等处的矿车调度、物料运输等。该电机车具有防爆性能和良好的制动性能,牵引力大,使用寿命长,制动效率高;该电机车结构紧凑,外形尺寸小,能够整车下井;结构为对称布置,外型美观,呈长条形,在井下和地面节省劳动力;而且电机车重心低,所用弹簧的弹性好,可用于减震,前后有碰头,可用于缓冲和连接。使用方便,安全可靠。 CTY8/6-PG 电机车主要由1.车架2.弹簧系统3.轮对4.制动系统5.加砂系统6.电动机7.控制器8.照明灯9.信号灯10.蓄电池组成。车架是由左右两侧肋板组成,两端由弹性缓冲器。轮对轴承为圆锥滚柱轴承,两轮轴各装置单独电动机,由直齿直接带动。在传动系统方面,实现了一个封闭的传动路线,更有利于电机车的可靠制动和方便操作,同时也解决了运输的需求。由于受到电机车的制动方面的影响,它实行双项制动,一个为安全制动,一个为工作制动,更加安全有效。更为重要的一点是,首次在电机车上安放了铅酸蓄电池,方便与高瓦斯矿井的开发,体现了电机车的高层次的设计。 关键词:电机车的机械传动 The CTY8/6-PG electrical engineering car design Abstract The CTY8/6-PG electrical engineering car is a kind of new mineral to use an electrical engineering car, install in the tunnel, used for mineral well, even lane etc. Zong to adopt the work noodles move of equipments, and each kind of other machine electricity the conveyance of the equipments.May also substitute a line type electrical engineering car conveyance, the mineral car which useds for digging work noodles, well bottom car field, coal mine ground...etc. adjusts degree, material conveyance...etc..The electrical engineerings car has flameproof function with goodly make to move function, lead dint big, service life long, make to move an efficiency Gao;The structure tightly packed of the electrical engineerings car, the shape size is small, can the whole car descend well;The structure is a symmetry decoration, features beauty, present long a form, under the well with ground economical labor force;And electrical engineering car the center of gravity be low, the flexibility of spring coil use good, can used for reducing an earthquake, in front and back have already meet, can used for buffer and conjunction.The usage is convenient and the safety is dependable. CTY8/6-PG electrical engineering the car owner want from 1.Car 2.Spring coil system 3.Round r


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