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摘要 本文意图从论辩的角度来探究中国古代《墨辩》中的推类理论。传统上大都 倾向于从西方形式逻辑的角度来研究中国独特之“推类”,认为“推类”主要是 一种类比推理,本文首先反驳了这一观点,因为经过考察,笔者发现“推类”不 仅有类比推理的性质,而且有演绎和归纳的性质,所以“推类”与传统西方形式 逻辑中的推理类型并不是一个层次上的东西。因此,笔者从非形式逻辑和论证实 践的角度考察,认为中国古代“推类”实际上是为“辩”服务的。《小取》篇作 为《墨辩》中提纲挈领之作,首先便规定了“辩”的功用、意义、方法等等。 具体地,笔者利用图尔敏的论辩理论来构建“推类”理论的论辩模式。二者 的可比性在于:都关注日常推理中的论辩实践,为“辩”而服务;都是以论证过 程来理解推理;都是在具体情境中的具体考察,而非抽象的进行理论演绎。 图尔敏论证理论认为,论证主要有三要素:事实根据(data)、主张(claim)、 担保(warrant)。事实根据相当于论据,担保是论据到主张的桥梁。然而,担保 的可担保性来源于何?于是,图尔敏又加入了支援 (Backing)这一要素,即担 保来源于支援。 《墨辩》中的“推类”理论基本的有“三物论式”:理、故、类。“夫辞以 故生,以理长,以类行”:辞的作用相当于主张(claim),故相当于事实根据, 理相当于从故到辞的担保,而类是故与理的基础。经考察,不同的类有不同的理, 理和类共同起最终的担保作用,从而构建起“推类”的论证模式。 关键词: 《墨辩》 推类 三物论式 图尔敏论辩理论 I ABSTRACT This article aims to give a new interpretation on “Tui-Lei” in Mohist from the viewpoint of argumentation. In tradition, the scholars are apt to discuss the Chinese unique logic concept “Tui-Lei” in the view of formal logic in western, and regard the “Tui-Lei” as the analogy inference. I retort the viewpoint firstly, because I find the “Tui-Lei” has not only the nature of analogy inference, but also has the nature of induction and deduction after a detailed analysis to the works of the Mohist. Thus I attempt to interpret in a new way of argumentation, and conclude the nature of “Tui-Lei” as the servant of the Chinese traditional practice “Bian”. Xiaoqu is the essential digestion of Mo Bian, and it sets the functions and principles succinctly. Specifically, I try to construct the theoretical model of “Tui-Lei” in the reference of Toulmin‟s model of arguementation. The comparabilities include three main points: they both pay attention to the debate practices in the daily reasoning and make services for the Bian ; they both understand the reasoning as the process of argumentation; and they both lay emphasis on the specific situations but not



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