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高炉热风炉蓄热体——格子砖高辐射率覆层技术及应用 High Radiative Rate Coating Technology Development and Application in BF Hot Stove 1 2 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 周惠敏 曹勇 胡江宁 刘新华 王连杰 王苗 张海涛 韩桂红 王雅文 (1.山东慧敏科技开发有限公司, 山东 济南 2.首钢技术研究院,北京 3. 济南钢铁集团总公司, 山东 济南 4.北京科技大学,北京 5.山东石横特钢集团公司, 山东 石横) 摘要: 介绍一种可以提高炼铁高炉热风炉热风温度,降低燃料消耗的新技术。理论分析和实验结果表明,热 风炉蓄热体表面高发射率覆层可以提高蓄热体的蓄热和放热能力,强化炉内辐射传热和蓄热体的导热,从 而提高热风温度。致密的覆层和覆层材料对开口气孔的充填,可减轻有害物质对格子砖的侵蚀,防止格子 砖渣化。涂覆覆层后,格子砖的体积密度、耐压强度、抗折强度、荷重软化温度提高,气孔率、高温蠕变 量减小,可提高格子砖的使用寿命。 关键词:高炉热风炉,格子砖蓄热体,高发射率覆层,高风温,节能 ABSTRACT A new energy saving technology for BF was developed by increasing the radiative rate of the coating on the regenerative grid brick surface in hot stove. The theoretic and experimental results indicated that higher radiative rate coating will improve the capacity of heat regenerative and heat released to and from the brick by increasing the surface temperature of the brick which strengthening the radiative heat transfer between the flue gas and the brick as well as the conductive heat transfer inside the brick which results in the higher blast temperature and reducing the coke rate. In addition, the nano/micro coating materials filled the cavity on the brick surface which protects the brick and increases the service life of the brick. The following parameters of the brick are improved after coating: the volume density of the brick, the strength of compression resistance, the anti-disjunction strength and the softening temperature under loading. But the pore rate and the distortion rate are decreased after coating which are good for increasing the service life of the brick. Key words: BF hot stove, Regenerative grid brick, High radiative rate coating, High blast temperature,Energy-saving 1 1.引言 钢铁工业是耗能大户,而高炉炼铁的能耗又


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