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需全套CAD图纸 联系QQ 174320523各专业都有 400公斤手动台式焊接变位机 摘 要 在我国,焊接变位机已成为制造业的一种不可缺少的设备,在焊接领域把他划为焊接辅机。近十年来,这一产品在我国工程机械行业,有了较大的发展,并获得了广泛的应用。使用焊接变位机械可缩短焊接辅助时间,提高劳动生产率,减轻工人劳动强度,保证和改善焊接质量,并可充分发挥各种焊接方法的效能。 400公斤手动焊接变位机正是当前众多焊接机械产品的一种,它通过一些机械传动机构,用来实现焊接工件的回转、倾斜,使得焊工操作的更加方便快捷,提高工作效率。在本次设计中,参照设计数据和相关资料,首先选择机构和传动方式,确定机构各个部分的传动功率、转矩和进行强度计算和校核,保证机构的合理性,使得设计出的装备能在给定年限内正常工作;然后对各个机构进行连接设计,画出结构简图;最后设计细节问题,画出总装图,保证产品的可生产性,便于规模化生产。 本次设计的主要内容是一个倾斜机构,采用了蜗轮蜗杆机构,用来减小尺寸和实现传动机构的自锁。整个机构简单可靠,操作方便。 关键词:手动式焊接变位机,回转机构,倾斜机构 THE DESIGN OF 400 KILOGRAMS MANUAL WELDING SHIFTS MACHINE ABSTRACT Welding positioner has become an indispensable device of manufacturing field in our country. It is divided into Auxiliary machinery. This product has gained lots of progress and been access to a wide range of applications in Construction machinery field last decade. It can not only reduce auxiliary time in welding, lout also improve labor productivity. The welding positioner can assure and improve product quality, and make the most of performance of various welding methods. 400 kg of manual welding positioner is currently a large number of welding machinery products, which by some mechanical drive mechanism used to achieve the welding of the work piece rotation, tilt, making the welding operation faster and more convenient, improve work efficiency. In this design, the reference design data and related information, first select the institutions and the transmission mode to determine the body parts of the transmission power, torque and the strength calculation and verification to ensure the rationality of institutions so that the equipment can be designed in a given period of normal work; and then connect the various agencies designed to draw the structure diagram; The final design details, to draw the total picture, to ensure product manufacturability, ease of scale production. The design of the main content is a tilt mechanism, using the worm body, to reduce the size and achieve self-locking transmission. The entire



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