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16 3 安 全与 环境 工 程 V ol. 16 No. 3 2 00 9 5 Saf e y and Enviro nm en al Engineering M ay 2 009 1 2 刘玉玲 , 游 春 ( 1. 重庆大学资源及环境科学学院, 重庆400044; 2 . 中铁隧道集团一处有限公司, 重庆40112 1) : , , , , : ; ; ; * : X92; U 455 : A : 167 1- 1556( 2009) 03- 0075-04 Application of the Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process to Risk Assessment on Road Tunnel Construction 1 2 L IU Y u- ling , Y OU Chun (1. Schoolof Resources and Environment Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China; 2. The 1st Engineering Co.Ltd. , China Railway Tunnel roup , Chongqing 40112 1, China) Abstract: On he basis o f he Improv ed A naly ic H ierarchy P rocess, saf e y fac o rs invo lved in r oad unnel cons ruc ion are analyz ed . T he magni ude o f w eigh for each f ac or is calcula ed and he hierarchy o f f ac ors is r anked . By analysis and calcula ion, dom inan fac o rs o he saf e y in road unnel co ns r uc io n ar e re- v ealed. T hu s, an accura e and imely risk assessmen can be per for med. Case s udy show s he Im pro ved A n- aly ic H ierarchy Pro cess can be successf ully u sed in saf e y evalua ion f or r oad unnel cons ruc ion . Key words: risk assessmen ; Impr oved A naly ic H ierar chy Process; unnel cons ruc ion ; w eigh evalua ion 0 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , , 1 ( ) , 1. 1


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