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摘 要 本文基于低能量激光(Low Intensity Laser ,LIL) 生物刺激效应的机理,通过分析目 前半导体技术及半导体发光二极管(LED )在光强、波长、实用性和价格等方面的优 势,提出了采用 LED 在促进伤口愈合,提高免疫力,皮肤美容 ,镇痛和光动力疗法 等应用领域取代激光光源的观点,论证了开展新的生物医学领域研究的可行性,并研 制出一套用于皮肤治疗的LED 治疗仪器,给出了该仪器的临床应用结果,属于国内首 创。本文主要内容包括: (1)从LED 与生物组织相互作用的机理出发,论述了LED 作为非相干单色光, 完全可以取得同激光一样的生物刺激效应;通过分析非共振作用的特点,得出了对大 多数细胞或组织的光生物调节作用,光源并不需要波段非常窄的单色光的结论,因此 在这方面LED 要比激光更具优势; (2 )介绍了国内外LED 技术发展的现状与趋势,通过介绍目前半导体技术,特 别是超高亮度LED 的研究成果,论证了LED 作为治疗仪器光源,在性能参数上已达 到要求,并在发光强度,波长范围,使用寿命上具有很大优势; (3 )设计了一套用于皮肤治疗的LED 治疗仪器,其中包括LED 阵列的设计,系 统主机硬件电路设计以及系统控制软件的设计; (4 )将该治疗仪器用于治疗皮肤疾病的试验研究,证明LED 能够调节皮肤的纤 维原细胞的活性。通过调节光通量和其他参数,可以提高胶元蛋白在皮肤组织纤维原 细胞中的合成速率,临床数据与理论分析有较好的一致性。 关键词:半导体发光二极管 生物医学 弱激光 生物刺激效应 I ABSTRACT Based on the mechanism of biological effects of low intensity laser, a new therapy light source, light emitting diode, is presented to displace Lasers in following field: wound and acupoints healing, the temporary relief of pain, and Photodynamic Therapy. The advantages of light emitting diode on light intensity, the span of wavelength and low price are discussed. Based on these analyses, the project of LED employed as new type therapy source is feasible. A therapy system based on LED is designed, and the clinical results are presented finally. The main contents are as follows: (1) The interaction mechanism of LED and tissue is analyzed, and LED can bring forth the same biological effects as the laser does. The interaction of monochromatic light with cells is non-resonant for photobiomodulation. Consequently, the conclusion that photobiomodulation on tissue and cells do not require the light source which has very narrow waveband is found. Therefore, LED can be applied to generate photobiomodulation effects. Compared with laser, LED has ad


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