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 2009年 仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器 2009   第 9期 In strum en t Techn ique and Sen sor No9  三电极电化学传感器的恒电位仪设计 姚毓升 ,解永平 ,文  涛 (大连理工大学电子系 ,辽宁大连  116024)   摘要 :三电极电化学传感器在化学 、生物和环境监测等领域的应用越来越广泛 ,为了充分发挥其性能 ,并实现测量仪 器的便携性 ,选用 A T89S8252 单片机和 A /D、D /A 转换器等 IC芯片 ,设计了一种用于传感器电流信号检测的便携式恒电 位仪 。该恒电位仪通过电压负反馈调节系统使电化学传感器的工作电压等于基准电压 ,并保持恒定 。为检测仪器的性 能 ,用一个电路模型等效三电极电化学传感器进行了测试 ,实验结果表明该恒电位仪具有很好的精度 。 关键词 : 电化学传感器 ;三电极 ;便携性 ;恒电位仪 中图分类号 : O652. 2   文献标识码 : A    文章编号 : 1002 - 184 1 (2009) 09 - 0023 - 03 D esign of Poten tiosta t for Threeelectrode E lectrochem ica l Sen sors YAO Yusheng, X IE Yongp ing,W EN Tao ( D epartm en t of Electron ic Eng ineer in g, D a lian Un iversity of Technology, D a lian 116024, Ch ina) A b stract: Threeelectrode electrochem ical sen sor is u sed in the area of chem ical, b io logy and environm en t detecting. To take fu ll advan tage of the p erform ance of sen sor and to ach ieve the portab ility of the detecting in strum ent, A T89S8252 SCM and IC ch ip s such a sA /D , D /A converter were selected for the de sign of a portab le poten tio stat to detect the signal of the electric cu rrent. The poten tio stat m ake s the work ing voltage of the electrochem ical sen sor a con stan t and equal to the reference vo ltage by the voltage negative feedback adju sts system. To te st the p erform ance of the in strum ent, a testing wa s carried ou t u sing a circu it model wh ich is equ ivalent to the threeelectrode electrochem ical sen sor. The exp erim ental resu lt show s that the in strum en t has good accu racy. Key words: electrochem ical sen sor; t


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