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编辑寄语 磁共振成像 2012年第3卷第1期 Chin J Magn Reson Imaging, 2012, Vol 3, No 1 A DDRESS “十二五”期间中国医用磁共振技术创新与发展 本刊编辑 作者单位: [摘要] 本文结合我国医学科技发展 “十二五”规划和医疗器械科技产业 磁共振成像编辑部,100061 北京 “十二五”发展专项规划,阐述了我国医用磁共振技术在 “十二五”期间创新 与发展的原则和方向。 [关键词] 创新;医学;磁共振成像;技术 收稿日期:2011-12-08 接受日期:2011-12-30 Innovation and development of medical magnetic resonance 中图分类号:R445.2 technology in the 12th Five-Year Plan period for national economic and social development of the Peoples Republic 文献标识码:A of China DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8034.2012.01.001 本刊编辑. “十二五”期间中国医用 Editor of CJMRI 磁共振技术创新与发展. 磁共振成像, Editorial Office, Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Beijing 100061, China 2012, 3(1): 1-3. * Correspondence to: Editor, editor@ Received 8 Dec 2011; Accepted 30 Dec 2011 Abstract This paper expounds the principle and direction of innovation and development about medical magnetic resonance technology in the 12th Five-Year Plan period for national economic and social development of the Peoples Republic of China, according to the 12th Five-Year Plan of the medical scientific and technical development, and the 12th Five-Year Special Plan of scientific and technical development in medical equipment industry. Key words Innovation; Medicine; Magnetic resonance imaging; Technology   从 1946年哈佛大学的Purcell 和斯坦福大学的 强、梯度系统和射频


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