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2005 9 4 1 9 Chin J Ophthalm o,l Septem ber 2005, V ol 4 1, No1 9 # 861# # # 细胞因子对视网膜神经元保护和诱导作用的研究进展 郑浩 李根林 = , -4 , , , , -3(, 2005, 41: 861-864 ) = ; ; ; ; A dvances in researches for p rotection and induc tion of cytok ines to retina l n euron s ZHENG Hao, LI Gen-lin1 Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Cap ital niversity of M edicalSciences, Bejiing 100730, China Corresp onding author: LI Gen-lin, Emai:l ligenglin@ 2631net = A bstract The role of cytokine in retinal functional recon truction ha been tudied exten ively1 It ha been found that brain derived neurotroph ic factor ( BDN F), c iliary neurotroph ic factor ( CNT F), ba ic fibrob la t grow th factor( bFGF) and neurotroph in-4( NT-4) can not on ly preven t retinal photoreceptor cell ( RPC ) from degeneration and mi prove RPC recovery after be ing dam ag ed, but al o prom ote grow th and developm ent of retinal ganglion cell ( RGC ) and tmi u late regeneration of ax on of RGC 1 Furthermore, it ha been found that len epithelium-derived grow th factor ( LEDGF) and hum an amn iotic ep ithelial cell ( HAEC ) both have effect of protection on RGC , but the role of neurotroph in-3( NT-3) in retina w ill be tud ied in the future1 ( Ch in J Ophthalmol, 2005, 41: 861-864 ) = K ey w ords Cytokine ; N erve grow th factor ; Retina; Photorecep tor ; T ran plantation ( cy tok ine ) 11 BDNF ( retinal photoreceptor , cell, RPC ): ( 1) BDNF RPC , ; [ 2] : Keegan 5~ 7 d( chwann cell, ; BDN F ) rho( - / - ) ; , 6 7 RPC , 800 Lm; 1 2 RPC ; BDN F



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