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Lecture Six教案首页 学生专业班级 外国语学院英语专业土木、机电、商贸、船舶方向 学 时 数 2 教学目的 了解三位美国19世纪浪漫主义诗人的生平和主要诗歌内容 教学内容 介绍朗费罗的生平及主要代表诗歌《人生赞》《冲啊!》。 介绍惠特曼的生平和主要代表作《船长哟,我的船长!》《自我之歌》《我听见美利坚在歌唱》《我歌唱带电似的肉体》等。 介绍艾米莉?狄金森的生平和主要代表作《成功的滋味最甜》《因为我不能为死神停下》等。 教学重点 惠特曼激情澎湃如波涛冲击海岸的浪漫诗歌。 狄金森独特的想象和句式。 教学难点 惠特曼和狄金森独特的诗歌表达方式 教学进程 十五分钟介绍朗费罗及其诗歌。 半个小时介绍惠特曼,讲解其代表作。 半个小时介绍狄金森,讲解其代表作。 教学方法 课堂讲解,集体讨论 教 具 多媒体 课后总结 惠特曼的激情澎湃 2.狄金森的独特思维视角 作 业 从惠特曼和狄金森的诗歌看诗歌的独创性 备注:教学进程一栏可根据教学内容的多少自定页数。 Lecture Six Longfellow(1807-1882) 1. Introduction to Longfellow He was born February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine. The variety of people and the activity of the harbors stirred the mind of the boy and gave him a curiosity about life beyond his own immediate experience. He was sent to school when he was only three years old. When he was six, the following report of him was received at home: Master Henry Longfellow is one of the best boys we have in school. He spells and reads very well. He can also add and multiply numbers. ” His father was eager to have his son become a lawyer. But when Henry was a senior at Bowdoin College at 19, the college established a chair of modern languages. The recent graduate was asked to become the first professor, with the understanding that he should be given a period of time in which to have land study in Europe. In May of 1826, he set out for Europe to turn himself into a scholar and a linguist. Between conferences with important people and courses in the universities, Longfellow walked through the countries. He stopped at small inns and cottages, talking to peasants, farmers, traders, his silver flute in his pocket as a passport to friendship. He traveled in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and England, and returned to America in 1829. At 22, he was launched into his career as a college professor. He had to prepare his own texts, because at that time none were available. Just as he served America in making the world conscious of its legend and tradition, so he opened t


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