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20个影响你一生的小改变IISmall, simple life changes can be powerful. Implementing some of these changes can literally change your entire life. How do you change? Take on one change at a time, and go slowly. Implement each change consistently so that it becomes a habit. Don’t do too much too fast. What follows is a list of changes that are simple, yet incredibly powerful. Some are obvious and some aren’t. I hope they serve as reminders of useful changes.生活中一些细微简单的改变有着不可低估的作用。一些改变甚至可以改变你的整个生活。 如何改变呢?一次做出一种改变,慢慢来,并始终如一地坚持,形成一种习惯。不要贪多求快。 下面列出一些改变,虽然简单,作用却难以置信。有些作用明显,而有的不易觉察。我希望下列条目能提醒你去做一些有益身心的改变。1. Walk daily1.每天散步We humans aren’t supposed to be /app/w/sedentarysedentary human beings. We are born to run, but even more so to walk.人类不适于久座。我们生来善跑,走路更不在话下。Walking every day is good for your physical health. But more importantly, it’s good for your mind. Walking is a joy. You are outside without /app/w/distractiondistractions. You may even see people. And there’s few better ways to boast your mood.每天散步有益于身体健康。更重要的是,它还有助于心理健康。在室外散步,令人愉快,远离烦恼,还可以接触人群。没有什么更好的方法比散步更能带给你好心情。2. Wake early2.早起If you asked me what’s the best change you can make this instance, I would say “wake early.”The early morning is peaceful –there are no /app/w/interruptioninterruptions and no noise. You can wakeup and go for a walk. You can /app/w/meditatemeditate. And you can create.如果你问我什么是最好的改变,我会说“早起”。早晨是那样宁静——没人打扰,没有噪音。起床后,散散步,你还可以冥思,或是创作。And waking early is the most productive thing I’ve ever done. I often get more work done in a couple hours in the morning than during the entire day.早起是我做的最富有成效的改变。在早晨的几个小时里,我做的事情常常比一整天做的都多。3. Eat less3.少吃Many of us overeat. Let’s stop. Eat slowly, and eat until you’re full. Eat so that your belly doesn’t /app/w/bulgebulge.我们中的很多人都饮食过量。可别吃太多。细嚼慢咽,吃饱为止。这样才不会吃起将军肚。4. Stop watching, start doing4.不做旁观者Watching is easy. Anyone can watch someone. Spectating isn’t /app/w/inherentlyinherently bad, but I believe we do too much of it. Instead of watching, do something. Or better yet, create


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