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1998年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷 GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Each student has an answer sheet on which is to be written the student’s examination ID number. All answers to the multiple choice questions of parts Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ are to be written on this answer sheet. Circle the letter that is your answer. PART Ⅰ:VOCABULARY [15%] DIRECTIONS FOR SECTION A: On your answer sheet, circle the answer that best completes the sentence. 1. The day was crisp and sharp, but suddenly a misty rain began to fall and the landscape. a. hid b. blurred c. relieved d. belittled 2. this coming Thursday, it will be too late to enrol for the course. a. As of b. As for c. As to d. As on 3. Those who let uncertainty rarely achieve much. a . turn them down b. send them down c. weigh them down d. huddle down 4. The speaker went on and on, to his listeners obvious boredom. a. obligated b. obsessive c. obvious d. oblivious 5. Such as self-respect and industriousness merit the full backing of an employer. a. advantages b. traits c. interests d. shortcomings 6. The police inspector, having received new information from a confidential source, decided to enlarge the or his enquiry. a. scope b. magnitude c. dimension d. volume 7. An intelligent TV viewer may occasionally become enraged by the argumentation in commercials. a. imperative b. fallacious c. persuasive d. fabulous 8. flees if one is constantly subjected to demeaning orders. a. Prime b. Harassment c. Conceit d. Pride 9. popularity of subject matter and frequency of use, the books on the two middle shelves will be the most helpful to you. a. As of b. As regards c. As from d. As against 10. I was in


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